This is what i have so far.... if you have any questions, comments, leave one. its my opinon. i'm not trying to convert anyone here, but this is why i believe what i believe
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Hi girl I have never met. I am not saying I agree or disagree with what you have written, I am only going to consult you to take a Theologoy Class or a Bible class when you get to College. I attend an accredited Catholic College in Boston, while your arguments are sound, you have to understand the Bible was just as much a social device back in the times it was written as it was a religious one. These are the writings of generations of men who wrote these books 30-100 years after the death and Resurrection of Christ. Personally, if you follow this concept of belief, then you, as a woman, will not be able to hold political power, speak your mind, or live freely, for you would be the property of a man. Listen, Don't reply to this, I am no theologian, but I have taken several classes in College, just realize, much of the Bible was written as social code for the day it was written, and much *cough slavery* *Cough women's rights* *cough minority rights* have been changed to fit with modern day. The Bible is a tool to which to live life
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I don't know what to say to any of this. I feel like I should respond, but I don't know how nor do I know you.
Since the person uses the bible to condemn homosoexuality(cause that's what she is doing) does she a. have slaves b. treat women worse than men c. eat shellfish.........because the bible discusses how to treat your slaves, says that women aren't the equals of men and states that if you eat shellfish you have committed a sin. coughhypocritecough
Any one individual can use the bible to condemn any other individual. The bible is a tool to teach humans to be better humans, to care for and love one another....its not meant to be used in this way.
On another note.....God loves us all no matter what...
One last thing......when condemning individuals try not to say "I think" cause what you think is not fact.
well, i don't know you, and you don't know jess, so you may never come back and see this, but i wanted to respond anyway, because maybe other people reading this are thinking the same things as you
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Jess You are an awesome Woman of God.
March 30 2004, 19:37:07 UTC
Hey, Jess. This is Mike Alix. I just want to encourage you and say that nothing you said was wrong. I am in college, have taken "theology courses" so I can vouch for your truth and faith in Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation. Do not let the lies of this world or the persecution discourage you. Jesus say "as I have been persecuted so shall you be." The Word of God (the bible) is exactly that, the Words of God, not man. They are verbally inspired and inerrant. Jess there is no need to debate or feel discouraged. Whether a person is born gay or not does not matter, it is not supported positively or negatively by science. You are loved Jess and you have a good heart and you would never discriminate toward the way a person chooses to live. There are a lot of emotions that come along with this topic. I have my own views and I will only give one. Gay people can be christians and truly be saved, but when they come to salvation they must no longer practice their homosexuality and living in sin. The BIBLE says homosexuality
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Ok, girl, I don't know you, but I can already say I highly respect you. That took guts. You certainly made some bold statements, and I can tell you're taking some heat for it. I just wanted to let you know that you made some very solid points in there, and you really know your scripture. I was impressed. I think there are a lot of misconceptions out in the world today, both about what homosexuality is, and how the church should/does veiw it. It is not the unforgivable sin, and every person is dearly loved by Christ, but there is strong Biblical evidence that it IS a sin (Romans 1:29, 1 Corinthians 6:9, the entire story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and so on), just as theft is a sin. Christians can't condemn homosexuals because we also are sinners, but we also can't pretend it's an acceptable lifestyle. It's so sad to see how God's perfect plan has been so incredibly distorted in so many ways. And yet He still continues to love us... ALL of us... And I know that I sure don't deserve it! It's just so amazing. Stay strong, girl.
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Comments 7
Since the person uses the bible to condemn homosoexuality(cause that's what she is doing) does she a. have slaves b. treat women worse than men c. eat shellfish.........because the bible discusses how to treat your slaves, says that women aren't the equals of men and states that if you eat shellfish you have committed a sin. coughhypocritecough
Any one individual can use the bible to condemn any other individual. The bible is a tool to teach humans to be better humans, to care for and love one another....its not meant to be used in this way.
On another note.....God loves us all no matter what...
One last thing......when condemning individuals try not to say "I think" cause what you think is not fact.
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