My work has added to its blocked web addresses filter. So much for blogging at work through myspace... There's always the ol' tried and true method of LJ though.
I'm slightly confused why they added myspace (unless it's a category-based block and myspace was either added/in one of the categories they just blocked) and not LJ. Ah well, they didn't, so you can still have happy fun time at work :P
because, because, because, because.... because of the wonderful things she does!rustingangelJune 15 2006, 01:46:37 UTC
Its because I work at Brown College and for some reason they are on the side of many other colleges that have decided to ban myspace. I am guessing that they feel that too many students waste precious study time blogging, or probably because of the possibilities of unknown adult content that 'may' appear on anyones screen with just one click, perhaps conflict of interest opinions sponsored by many users regarding certain politics or maybe they are just trying to piss off all those pedophile college kids that are trying to hook up with underage kids... because everyone knows that once you get into college, middle school kids are where its at
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