Sleeping through the next 4 hours without an alarm going off is going to feel pretty good... and even better will be knowing that Houdini will NOT freeze to death in a drain pipe before the New Year.
I'll post pics later - right now he's a little wild. Starving, and wild.
There was no appearance by the kitten last night, but this morning I found it under another patio. We chased it out of that hole and decided to name it "Houdini" because of all it's escape attempts
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There is ANOTHER kitten outide, OMG. I cannot believe it's alive... It looks to be a black or gray one, and it's totally wild. We chased it out of two different holes, but it's too fast for us.
I took NOSE medicine at 8pm tonight and now I'm all jazzed up like a meth freak (ahhh... memories...) - however, my NOSE is still completely stuffed up.
There better be something good on TV because I can't work with my brain on cold-speed.
Mom is estimated to be about a year old, the babies around 6 weeks. Mom only weighs 5.4lbs!!! She's a tiny, tiny, starving lady - I'm feeding her all she'll eat.
The biggest kitten is 1.6lbs and the smallest only 1 pound. They're all so dear...