Family togetherness is great, but...

Dec 04, 2013 23:09

In case I don't manage to post tomorrow, I'm going to share something now. Inexplicably, my dad gets a catalog from the Pajamagram company. The first thing we noticed is that they now offer jammies for the WHOLE family.

I think that even if you look like this model, if you're going home and dressing your cat in pajamas, you qualify as a crazy cat lady. (Please note, as a future and perhaps present crazy pet lady, I don't mean that disparagingly.)

I can't help but think that cat HATES the fact that he's been put in a matching outfit with the dog.

This one is the best. That man in his footie pajamas thinks he's THE STUFF. And the cat is wearing a plush robe. Please note: pink for girls, blue for boys. We wouldn't want to defy tradition when PUTTING PAJAMAS ON OUR PETS.


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cats, dogs, odd

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