juggling fandom and life isn’t simple. try to imagine fandom like a piece of $2 fabric bought from the market, the edges already threatening to unravel.
there are many reasons to drift away from that particular fandom. school, work.. maybe the fandom grew tremendously overnight, or the fandom has got issues that you have grown tired of dealing with.
that’s when the threads start to unravel. slowly, thread by thread, until you’re hanging onto a third of what you had in the beginning, struggling to hold on to those fragile threads.
once you start feeling like you’re struggling to keep up, that’s when fatigue takes over. since you’re already behind, why bother holding on to something that isn’t even half of what it was before? that’s when the threads undo themselves, leaving you with nothing more than a bunch of threads.
not all fandoms are like that, of course. think of fandoms being different types of fabric. often, the ones that you love the most are the ones that disappoint the most too, like that piece of $2 fabric. other fandoms, the ones that you’re not so attached to, can be described as maybe, better pieces of fabric? their threads are better held together, with reduced chances of falling apart and leaving you with nothing.
its a pity that we seldom pick the good fabrics.