This weekend was another Gainesville weekend, but it was different because I was down there for a special occasion. A bunch of Yoko's friends planned a surprise party for her birthday (February 4th), and I was to be the one to deliver her.
Before the party, she thought all of her friends were studying. I told her after I went to my friends' apartment that evening, we should call some of her friends and ask them to take a break from studying to come eat dinner with us or something. I had to keep throwing her off the scent of the surprise party.
Being together with Yoko all the time made it difficult to coordinate the surprise because I couldn't call my friends. One time I told her that I'm used to using my cell phone outside of the dorm so I could leave the room and call the guys. Actually, it's a half-truth. I used to have to use my cell phone in the dorm hall because reception in my room was crap. The plan was originally 7 PM until Ted called me while I was with Yoko. Here's how the conversation went:
Ted: Hey, Russ.
Me: Hey, Ted.
Ted: 7:30
Me: Ok.
Yoko asked who it was, and I said it was Ted. I said they'd finish playing frisbee at 7:30 so that's when I'd go over there.
When we got to the apartment, there were no visitor spaces left.
"Well," I said, "We won't be here for long, so I'll park in a regular spot and be back before they tow me." In truth, she was beginning to think it would be nice if her friends had thrown a surprise party for her, but this last comment totally threw her off. When I knocked on the door, I heard a few voices that were NOT any of the guys. In fact, they were girls' voices. I knocked again, louder, hoping they'd get the message to shut up or they'd blow it. When they opened the door for her, so many of her friends were there and she hid outside the door after they yelled surprise. For a few minutes into the party she kept hitting me. Not hard. The kind of, "You-did-something-that-made-me-happy-but-embarassed" cute-hit. "Mou! Mou! You lied! You said we wouldn't be here long!"
Reposted after user was banned from commenting. Saving comments in case I need them for a harassment suit.
More to come about the awesome weekend!