Harry Potter Headcanon,

Jun 01, 2016 18:42

Moar Potter Headcanon, due to demand. I wouldn't go so far as to say 'popular', but three different people have expressed interest.

This is jumbled with source and influences

So my judgement of Dumbledore is rather harsh.

And I realised some of my interpretations are based on observations like the one here: tbh people mock harry for going back to rescue fleur's sister in the second triwizard task but harry knows dumbledore better than anyone else. he probably looked at the situation and thought “would dumbledore let an eight year old drown just because fleur couldn't do this bit? yes. yes he would.”

which by the time it got to me there was another paragraph, added by someone else, explaining that it was not about Harry not trusting Dumbledore, as much as it is about Harry growing up learning that there are no grownups coming to the rescue, at any point.

(And can I find the source, now? Can I buggery. Bless Tumblr's little cotton socks of searchability.)

Another bit of harshness comes from the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, in which Harry Potter
plans to go and live with his godfather, Sirius Black.

#HarryPotter Dumbledore working to clear Sirius & get him out of Azkaban so Harry could have a family chosen by his parents. Imagine.
- ruthi (@ruthi) April 12, 2016

@ruthi "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the waters of the womb, Harry. Your parents loved Sirius, and he loves you." #HarryPotter
- ruthi (@ruthi) April 12, 2016

Dumbledore: "Love is what saved you, Harry. I can't leave you with people who don't love you, I need to keep you safe." #HarryPotter
- ruthi (@ruthi) April 12, 2016

And also:


do you ever stop to think what it would be like if the dursleys were nice to harry? what if their reason for hating magic wasn’t simply that it was magic and they were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much but that it took petunia’s sister away from her and then killed her? what if it wasn’t even really hatred bc wizards are different and not normal but accumulated pain and fear bc some wizards kill?

imagine harry actually being able to call privet drive his home. imagine him having a room like any other kid and playing with dudley and eating full meals every day. imagine dudley defending harry instead of being the one to bully him. imagine the dursleys celebrating harry’s birthdays as well, having his pictures on the walls next to dudley’s, buying him new clothes, hugging him. imagine if they actually told him the truth about his parents, that they had magic and they were killed but they loved him so so much. imagine harry being able to talk with petunia about his mother, to hear stories about her childhood and what was she liked and that he has her eyes and they’re beautiful. imagine harry getting to read his letter at breakfast and be excited bc he’s like his mum and dad, he has magic too.

imagine harry knowing love from the very start.

but now think about this happy harry who would have a family to go back to and ask yourself: would he be so eager to sacrifice himself in the forest? would it be so easy for him to accept death? would there be any reason for him to do just that? of course not. and of course dumbledore knew all that. if the dursleys were indeed nice people dumbledore would probably find a different place for harry bc he needed him broken, he needed him selfless to the point where it’s unhealthy, he needed him to be the weapon to kill voldemort and nobody cares if weapons get a happy childhood, they’re just weapons after all.

#h a ha a if the dursleys showed harry compassion#harry who grows up emotionally healthy and dumbledore becomes a more obvious villain #because this child is fine he’s alright he’s capable and yes still with a hero complex #but he didn’t need dumbledore as a savior away from the cruel dursleys #and dumbledore has no emotional ammo to manipulate him with#so what would he do #say ”harry your mother would have wanted this” #because petunia would be right there too saying ”she’d want you happy and alive” #your mother never wanted you to drag yourselves through the mud for survival and heroism# she’d be proud of course her son’s a savior but she’d be so sad to see what you went through to win#so what would dumbledore say to be subtle and keep the veneer of Good Wise Old Man Leader of the Light#how would he push and pull harry onto his side and under his thumb#harry wouldnt need his approval at all#who would listen but with a clear mind#how would dumbledore sharpen his weapon when the weapon refuses to be held (via themaraudersaredead)

ALL OF THIS. It’s amazing how much your interpretation of the series changes, that day when you wake up, old enough to understand that Dumbledore /isn’t really a good guy/. Maybe in the macro level, but certainly not when it comes to the way he deals with Harry.

(Source: tenderpotter, via merihn)

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