IC Hot
- using Lamoriel's apathy to get her on Team Might
- learning more about Kingdom laws (he's a chaos priest - isn't that illegal? isn't demonology punishable by death? *sadface*)
- finding out about Interfector's IC reputation through Idaho's face when they were introduced
- saying "isn't that what the cook's for' after listening to people talking about their mother's cupcakes and watching other characters nod too
- complaining about the world being the wrong colour after having been dead
- chatting to Kelvor and Halamar about other worlds/planes, Bader and Shifting
- relief at seeing Kavara on Saturday night and discovering she was under instructions too
- kneeling at the altar of a justice shrine with Kavara and Lamoriel and calling upon Vengeance. Also playing pantheon of Calne bingo with the justice avatar's stories
- telling Archibald how Von Trapp and co were the fault of 'people like you'
- being told by Suffering that He could do nothing for me (obviously I took this as a compliment)
- Ketch's explanation for the poor quality of Marshal's on patrols as they were those not yet deemed competent enough to be trusted with important paperwork
- reminiscing about the Twiggy mission with Biscuit and Rhegor
- not being responsible for leading the patrol
- having an officer's chat with Cassius about the other Defenders present
- demons and zombies - my favourite things to fight (yay for 16 dex)
- Aurinyan's sympathy over my religious predicament
- comforting Lady Raese by pointing out Rose would be dead in '50 or 60 years'
IC set dressing for the hall
Seeing the Edwards brother and Mr Hart again - hoping you all make the 36hours
Musical accompaniment on Saturday night linear
Bizarreness of talking with Nab, Biscuit and Aurinyan about Liana and Blaine - ETA: love Biscuit's new informative pamphlet
Flat field for recall constructs - a vast improvement on Candlestone dunes
IC Not
- Dying
- having to be polite to people
- return of Von Trapp
Wind and rain
Rushing to switch character kit in the dark
Freezing cold at night despite hot water bottle
More rain when taking tent down