To Lt Ashwood
I am Wordun Larns-Corprul Blayz and I wos with the patrol wot went to fiynd the childrun wot had gon into the wuds. I wil riyt abowt evrething wot hapund but thayr is sum things we stil dunt no. We dint fiynd enewun wot wos in charj onle childrun wot tawkd abowt a bos. We dunt no if the childrun wos bein majikle or mirakulusle controld or if thay had bin perswaydid with wurds. We dunt no wiy the childrun went to the wuds. Thayr wos sum childrun wot carst spels (ayr and wortur) or miraculs (kayos and deth) and we dunt no if thay nuw them orlrede or if sumwon had just tort them.
We ariyvd at the wud and just insiyd fownd thre childrun wot Corprul Scar sed wos oldur childrun but not grown-up (one of them sed thay wos 13 wot is oldur than me). Thay dint wont us in the wud and sed we wos not alowd to go ene furthur but then thay disidid we cud folow them to the Cheyf.
We workd a wiyl then caym to a big cleyrin wayr thayr wos mor childrun and wun of them had a starf. He sed he wos the starf-marstur and the othurs sed he wos the bos. We triyd to tork to him (wel, the othurs did, I dunt do wel at diplome things) but thay onle larfd. Then wun of them usd sumthing to mayk us stuk to the grownd and then did a riyt arownd us with kayos befor we cud get owt.
It felt wel weud, liyk a rush of enerje and then everething arownd us seymd to get bigur but then my ax and armer felt rele heave and I reyulisd I wos smorler. We all wos. Lukin at Corprul Scar I fort he lukd abowt 4 or 5 - I dunt no wot that is for humuns or elfs. Orlso I cudnt rememember how to do my spels, speshule not froo my armer and it wos hard to concuntrayt on thinking abowt hard things liyk redin or planin.
Arftur thay had sin the spel/rituel wurkd the childrun ran uway and othur smorler childrun ariyvd wot sed thay had bin adolts to and the bigur childrun wos huntin them and now us to.
I sed thay wos bein buleys and we shud stand up to them and not run uway but Corprul Aniseed sed yuw wos sposd to get a grown up wot sowndid riyt. We thort we shud tri to leyv the wud and tel the gards wot had hapund so thay cud get ordur pepul to cum and fiks it. Corprul Elvin disidid the scowts wud tri to get owt and the rest of us wud be the distracshun.
We hadnt gon far wen thayr wos a groop of 5 or 6 childrun wot had wepuns and thay sed thay wos gunna beyt us. Corprul Elvin told us to go of the parth, I dunt no wiy but I dun as I wos told. The bigur childrun sed we wos scayrd cos we wunt go to fiyt them but I sed I wont so thayr caym to fiyt me. Wun of them swung thayr sord at me so I hit them in the leg. Thay sed it hurt but dint run uway, insted thay triyud to surownd me and wun of them did a worter spel wot rustid my ax. Aniseed gayv me her sord to fiyt with. I triyud to onle hit the arm to stop them fiytin or a leg but thay wunt giyv up whateva and wos rele triyin to hurt us.
Smerna got upset cos we wos fiytin childrun but thay neyurle kild her cos she wunt fiyt bak, thay wos not going to leyv us alown. Orlso we dint hav ene spels wot cud stop them and cudnt hit them softle. I dunt think thayr wos enething els we cud hav dun. Aniseed serchd wun and fownd a pes of papur wot wos a rituel to turn the grown-ups bak. Thayr wos lots of things to fiynd - misultow, sum worter from marshis, cowl from a cayv and a vale wayr sumwun wos concuntraytin. We disidid to keyp triyin to get owd cos Orkid and the archur had orlrede left and we dint no wayr ene of the things wos.
We fort unover growp wot had a mayj carstin ayr darts wot wos bad. I think I kild her but she atakd me furst. Then thayr wos a growp wot had a harf-ork gurl - I triyd to blok her from hitin me and Corprul Elvin wiyl he hit her in the arm to stop her fiytin but the archur caym bak and shot her in the leg and her leg caym of and she wos bledin to deth. We triyud to tork to them but thay wunt listen, wunt put thayr wepuns down. Wun of them wos carstin miraculs wot Scar sed laytur wos deth and kayos - I dunt no if it wos the saym persun.
Thayr wos wun wot had a niyf to Orkids throwt and wos thretnin to kil him. I went and triyd to tork to unover wun wot wos lisnin but wud onle say thay wontid to be the big pepul and tel the litul pepul wot to do and we shud let them beyt us up. I dunt no how thay wos expectin not to kil us. I told him that was miyt wot wos meyn but then he sed thay just wantid to do wot thayr wontid so I told him kayos wos bad and anarke wos ilegul but he dint cayr. I triyd to perswayd him to giv up by arskin if thay had had propur dinur or enewayr to sleyp but he sed that thay wud mayk the grown-ups do it. I dunt no hoo wos lukin arftur the litul childrun - we dint see ene of them.
Corprul Elvin corld me bak and the gurl stil wos holdin a niyf to Orkid. He sed he wud be ok and dint think she cud cut his throwt so I ran in and hit her in the arm. She stil hit him in the hed and he fel over. The archur shot her. We triyud rele hard to just nok the othurs over and cos the parth wos widur now we wos abul to work rownd them and dint hav to mayk them stop fiytin.
Aniseed wos owt of powur and nedid to pray. She had anargument with Smerna but I wos torkin to Scar so I dunt no wot abowt so Smerna workd uway and we fownd sumwayr sayf for Aniseed to pray. I sed I cud go arftur Smerna but Corprul Elvin thort I shudnt.
Arftur her prayur, Corprul Aniseed wos upset cos in it she had bin told she had dun evul things and wos bad - iver her goddes is meyn cos she miyt be bad at splaynin things or givin ordurs but she int a bad purson or els it wos sumwun pretendin to be her goddes. Thayr wos lots of kayos stuf hapnin. She wos told we had kild 37 inocents - I am bad at cowntin but I dunt think we had fort 37 pepul by then and we hadnt kild them orl. Orlso thay had sords and was hitin us so I dint think thay wos inocent unles thay wos bein mind-controld but then a goddes shud no that and it wunt vere just and fayr not to say cos it wont ar folt iver.
Corprul Elvin disidid we wos goin to tri and do the rituel cos we had fownd the childrun dint go of the parths and thort we cud fiynd the pesis so we went to a cayv but dint fiynd cowl onle wulvs then we went to the marshis and fownd worter. We caym bak to wayr we wos chaynjd but thayr wos nowon thayr. At the crosrowds we sor sum of the big childrun so we went up the hil and fownd the vale and orlso Smerna wot had fownd cowl and sum of the parunts wot wos hape to be a distracshun.
In the vale we fownd a boy wot wos concentratin. Aniseed triyd shakin him but that dint wurk so Scar puld him down of the hil and uparuntle brok his leg. The othurs wontid to do the rituel heyr - I sed it wont the riyt plays but thay sed it wos so we triyd it but it dint wurk. Then Smernas bune sed it wont the riyt plays and thay bulevd it. Aniseed startid tryin to help the boy even tho she wunt be abul to heyl him until we wos fikst then evenchule we went bak down the hil and did the rituel riyt.
We got bak to normal siyz and thayr wos sum childrun neyrbi wot wos now tiyud and wantid to go howm so we startid to leyd them owt of the wud. Aparuntle the rituel had onle wurkd for us and Corprul Elvin and Aniseed had to stay and help the othur grown-ups get fikst.
I can tel yuw hoo did the spel/rituel to start and hoo wos carstin the spels and Im shor Scar can say hoo wos carstin the miruculs and if thay carnt do them now maybe thay wos controld but I dunt no hoo bi. If thay can wun of them wos a kayos folowur and neyds to be wochd and wun wos ananarke folowur and Im not shor if we is sposd to kil wuns wot is childrun to or not but it is defenitle not riyt.