Blayz first IRS report - 25/02/2013

Feb 25, 2013 09:13

To Leftenant Longfud

This wos mi furst patrol with the I R S. I wos testid for usin Fran but I cudnt.

Wen we went to Taluns Rest and got the 2 brethrun, thay sed thay had not dun anithin bad. Thay thort 'the monstur' (wot I think thay ment Lacurtuh, hoo is probuble a humun under the skul she waurs) wud eyt them. But the gards wot had cort them sed thay had the iytums. Paledin Looceus nokd them owt to bring bak with Fran.

Theyr wos no elumentuls wen we caym bak.

Then we went to Hatarang and the vilijurs wer upset. The Path-fiyndurs folowd traks and fownd 2 majicul crechurs wot rustid wepuns and armur. I had mayd mi ax and Wordun Aniseyd and Paledin Looceusis sords flaymy wot so thay cudnt be broke and the druids had stiks. If it cudnt rust things the crechur mayd pepul go to slepe. Wen it mayd Looceus go to slepe it rustid orl his armur. It had a tayul with sharp stings to.

The Path-fiyndurs (Jed and Cilar) fownd a cayv wayr thay thort the crechur had livd and 2 ded pepul. We brort them bak to Wing Keyp.

We caym bak and fort the elumentuls and fownd thay cud be sent to slepe but wos hurt bi taykin theyr majik uway. Thay olso usd ayr majik to uscayp. Thay ar frum a difrunt playn liyk demuns cos thay went uway arftur a litul wiyl.

Wen we arivd at Sowth Craydul theyr wer shamblin mownds standin arownd an orb on the Fran poynt. Thay dint moov but we dint get to neyr them iver. Wen the secund groop arivd, the druids triyd to get neyr and moov the orb but the shamblin mownds protectid it but thay stil dint atak. Thay onle atakd aftur we had hit them furst. We triyd to brayk the orb - sum pepul hit it and Wizud Fuleis triyd to brayk it with majik. I triyd standin ovuh it wiyl raydiaytin but that dint wurk iver. Mor shamblin mownds wos cumin from the grownd arownd it. Fuleis then mayd liytnin wot did wurk and it broke but sum mor shamblin mownds caym from the forist. The Path-fiyndurs sed theyr wos sum traks of humuns but thay wos a weke old.

Theyr wos mor elumentuls wen we caym bak but theys wos hardur to catch and wos neyrle orl kild.

Then we stopd to rest and I meditaytid. Wen evrewun wos dun we split into 2 groops.

I went to Waygayt with Paledin Looceus, Nicodemus and Path-fiyndur Cilar to tayk a mesij to an orc tribe but theyr wos onle 3 of them we sor. Looceus sed thay wos paledins sept for the Witchdoctur wot Cilar sed had an oruh of powuh. Thay wos folowin the stars for a kwest. We gayv them the mesij and thay wos frendle and sed thay wos not planin to brayk ane lors cos that wunt be ordurd.

We then went to Taluns Rest to mete the othurs but the pepul at the keyp sed theyr wos scremin and thay had gon on. We workd and herd screms and fownd the othurs fiytin unded. We wos told thay wos vere scare and the patrol had scaturd but Looceus and Nicodemus went to fiyt the scare wun cos thay wos not scayrd of ane unded. I fort sum skelitons cos I had fiyr on mi ax and I did the fiyr skin as wel for me and Looceus. Wen the skelitons wos ded we went to fiyt sum mor things wot wos liyk zombees but wos wimin and thay wos scremin and scare. Wizud Fulius carst sumthing wos wos sposd to stop me being afrayd but it onle wurkd on sum things. Wen I ran uway I fownd 2 Gards wot had bin with the misin patrol (2 majis - maybe Worduns - wos orlrede with ar patrol wen we arivd). We kild orl the unded but we wos vere injud and Nicodemus had diyd.

Theyr wos no elumentuls wen we caym bak this tiym.

Othur things:

Wordun Baykersun wos in charj but he dint giv mane ordurs - I had to arsk him wot I shud do liyk with the shamblin mownds cos I dint wont to upset the druids or wen we arivd and evrewun wos scard of the skelitun I had to tell pepul to regroop cos the onle pursun showtin ordurs wos Wordun Aniseyd wot sed to bring injud pepul to her cos she cudnt go ner the skelitun. I dunt think she liyks Nicodemus iver cos thay wos vere poliyt to ech othur liyk mi Da is with the man hoo coms for the rent. Orlso nowun had chekd if the rustin crechur was majikul befor I arskd.

I sed the majik elumentuls wos cumin becos wen we us Fran it is liyk nokin on theyr dor and runin uway befor thay arnser and thay wos folowin to ce hoo we ar and sumwun thort this wos mayb a gud ideuh so I thort I shud tel yu.
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