Wordun Hedkworturs
For Lt Casius Blayn - ref Piramid Gild
Ar patrol wos told that a trol had gon misin and we had to fiynd it becos the Piramid Gild miyt be involvd. Larns Corprul Rijul wos in charj and we went to the vilij of Mudglup weyr the trol had livd. The vilijurs had bin usin the trol to atrakt torists becos they onli had mud. Cat told us the trol wos corld Charls and livd in a cayv neyr the vilij and she tuk us to ce it.
Wiyl we wos lukin at the cayv, we wos atakd by goblins, wot sed we cudnt go parst or theyr wud be trubl. We kild them and cariyd on. Theyr wos a driad wot wantd to play hiyd and seyk - I dint go tawk to the driad becos I thort she wud not liyk my ax but Larns Corprul Rijul, Gard Cazar and Marshul Morgun did. Theyr wos mor goblins but Mr Mcloclun kild them befor they cud get neyr the rest of us.
We then fownd iys elumentuls wot triyd to mayk us slo but it dint wurk on me becos I wos raydiaytin. We fort lots mor iys elumentuls as we folod the trols traks. Sum did iys darts and sum did othur spels wot I think wos sposd to afekt ar miynds but dint wurk on me or Gard Cazar.
Theyr wos a big cayv with a boldur wot had bin rold asiyd wot wos wot the Marshul had thort from the start. We stopd to pray and meditayt befor goin in. Insiyd wos lots of big ruwms with ston worls. Won ruwm dint hav a dor owt but theyr wer stayrs hidn undur a ston wot wos majicul. Wiyl we wer goin down the stayrs theyr wos a gostiy thing wot mayd peple feyul weyk but me and Gard Cazar had bin mayd strong to muv the ston. I dunt no if we kild it or it just went uway.
Arftur the stayrs theyr wos unothur ruwm weyr the dors wer fayk and theyr wos a hisin noyz wot the Marshul sed wos maykin us poysind. It felt liyk it wos hard to do anythin and Lord Silvublayd lay down and wunt get up so Harge had to carey him. Theyr wos a reurle long coridor wot caym to a big ruwm weyr the trol wos holdin the celin up. As we opund the dor sumwun went threw a dor behind the trol and the dor shut.
The trol (wot wos Charls wot wos misin) wunt let us go parst him. He had a blew sash on wot wos from 'Brad' the elf wot had brung him heyr. He sed Brad wos his frend but we told him Cat had sent us to fiynd him becos she wos sad he had left. Charls triyd to stop us getin the puzl pieces we nedid to get into the uthur ruwm but we manijd to get all of them and Harge solvd the puzl.
I got into the ruwm but Charls nokd the puzl ovur and the dor shut. Theyr wos nowun in the ruwm but theyr wos some ruwns and a spays weyr sumthin liyk a sord and a gem had bin. We triyd to fiynd a way out or if 'Brad' was hidin but then sumwun rumemberd theyr wos sum majic when we first caym in wot cud hav bin a recorl poynt so we hedid bak owt of the cayv. We brung Charls with us becos he had bin miynd controld by the blew sash and wos frendle wuns we got it of.
Theyr wos mor iys elumentuls but no siyn of the elf. Arftur we had kild the elumentuls we fownd goblins swepin traks uway but we cudnt fiynd weyr the elf had gon so we tuk the trol bak to the vilij.
Harge tuk the slayt with the ruwns on so yew can fiynd out wot it ses and wot 'Brad' tuk. Charls sed Brad wos not the elfs reyul naym but he cudnt say that - he triyd to tel us and it dint sownd like Brad at orl. I sor the elf reurle qwicle but he wos torl and thin and werin blew. He must be reurle powurful to mayk iys elumentuls - Charls sed he had to do richuals to mayk them.
I hop this is helpful.