Lexi report - 18/08/14

Aug 18, 2014 11:36

Humacti Central

I attended a patrol in the area of Tind, venturing into the local Forest of Eyes. Humacti Sunshen was also in attendance.

We encountered a number of ghosts/spirits possessing goblins, trolls, corrupted shambling mounds, a corrupted dryad and local villagers. They were destroyed. We did not identify the source of these spirits.

The spirits told us they wanted a human vessel and were looking for someone strong. At one point our patrol leader (by the name of Interfector) was possessed by one but the quick thinking of High Wizard Falice saw his mind quickly cleared. There were unpossessed humans working with the spirits but they didn't not demonstrate any necromantic abilities - I believe all killed nonetheless.

We were offered druidic assistance in cleansing the area and asked to participate in a ceremony: no magic was involved and no taint of death or necromancy identified on those who had agreed. I therefore accepted whilst Humacti Sunshen abstained in case we had missed something. During the ceremony I felt druidic energy flowing through me and could sense the source of the corruption.

As we followed this sense, we encountered a human male with a highland accent only a short distance from a bottleneck in a path where we had faced a strong force of possessed beings. He claimed his area was guarded against them and, as the path led onwards, we had to take his word for this. He may bear further checking.

The druidic ceremony was an apparent success but we heard a deep male voice saying he was not yet defeated. Clearly more questions need to be asked to determine if the corruption is ended.


Alexandra Huntingdon


High Master Davos

Your missing villagers have been safely returned to their homes. The possessing spirits have been destroyed and the area fortified against future corruption. There were unpossessed humans present, possibly cultists of some kind, who may have further information about the source of the corruption.

You should speak with Pathfinder Over-Captain Shadow for matters pertaining to the dwarf, Arcos.


Humacti Alexandra Huntingdon


Dear Freddie

Sorry I haven't written for a while - getting resettled here in Heusenberg. I think I'm going to be staying here a while, if you want to come and visit.

I went along with another patrol - finally something to get my teeth into - spirits possessing and kidnapping local villagers near the Forest of Eyes (I wouldn't recommend it as a holiday destination). Fortunately, had another Humacti along and a Paladin of Life or I might have bitten off more than I could chew - some of the spirits were seriously well protected and others were possessing trolls, which would really have hurt. Don't worry, I parried lots.

Before we got to the spirits, we met a very friendly druid (with the charming motto of 'be excellent to everyone and to nature') who asked us to take part in a druidic ceremony with her to rebalance the forest, which would help cleanse it of corruption. After being appropriately suspicious (it's not paranoia when undead are involved...) I agreed and she asked for something of mine to create a connection. I choose to give her the symbol of the Blessed Ones from my satchel and was later glad I had.

Being involved in this ceremony wasn't like the Anluc rituals but still, again I felt that connection, this time to Crisian. If anyone gets cleansing corrupted nature, it's going to be Him. If you do get around to going patrolling, don't let your connection to Caerule blind you to the help the rest of the Blessed Ones can give in the right situation.

Take care and I hope to see you soon

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