
May 27, 2012 07:12


I'm so attached to this Android app now, it's a bit ridiculous (considering that it's in japanese) XD

Now I follow (not in the Twitter's "follow" way) more threads than before lol... [btw, Ohno's wotas are amazing! There would be like 3-4 threads made each day, so many replies.. it's kinda hard to find the latest thread XD... but I love the fact that it feels like home reading them... which makes me a wota too then? XD]... It's crazy!  I'm constantly updated by latest happenings XD.. but I don't really read them one by one though (that would be too time-consuming XD).. sometimes I would just skip hundreds (esp when they are arguing with trolls and other members' wotas XD)

The other day I found a thread on Ohno and Toda... original poster said his/her sister saw them shopping??? *hopefully I read it right*... (dating rumour????) .. anyway... I'm not worried or feeling anything weird about it XD .. I was more amused by the fact that I probably would be seeing this more starting now .. gossips on Ohno dating his co-stars... things like that ..hehehe

芸人: Toda Erika, アラシ [#1] : Ohno Satoshi, it's a fangirl thing, just want to talk about this

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