I've posted about Maou DVD boxset sales before which was like 400,000++copies... Well, actually I was already made aware of this months ago but the way they count it seems to include the amount of discs in the box.. Maou has
8 discs.. so that would be like 50,000++ copies..
Anyway, I was reading one of Ohno's japanese fan's blog entry (I like it when she posted things like this :D) about
a Yahoo article on Hanzawa Naoki...
For renzoku dorama DVD boxes, to sell at least 10,000 copies is already considered "selling well"... Some TBS doramas have achieved this: There are JIN and SPEC, 20,000++ copies; ATARU, 16,000++ copies ... and there's Maou (actually I don't feel comfortable that they only mentioned Ohno's name because Maou has "double" main actors -.-) that has sold almost 60,000 copies since it went on sale in year 2009.
I have a list of recent sales (this year's July; not total sale I think; seems more like quarter sale) for DVD boxset where Arashi members played the main characters (excluding HanaDan; Inoue Mao was the one who starred for this) from 2ch.. Might not be reliable because I'm not sure about the source (also some data like these seem to be only available to subscribers)... anyway, if this is true, the only thing I can think of is the audience is curious about Arashi's Leader's acting.. which is not necessarily a bad thing of course :D
**"0 Goshitsu no Kyaku" - Ohno wasn't the only main actor here though
合計 DVD初動 BD初動 主演 タイトル
29,122 DVD22,898 BD*6,224 大野 魔王(Blu-ray2013/07)
27,466 DVD14,524 BD12,942 大野 鍵のかかった部屋
22,020 DVD22,020 BD**,*** 大野 怪物くん
17,230 DVD17,230 BD--,--- 大野 0号室の客
15,369 DVD15,369 BD--,--- 大野 歌のおにいさん
14,949 DVD14,949 BD--,--- 二宮 流星の絆
14,606 DVD14,606 BD--,--- 相葉 マイガール
10,485 DVD*6,895 BD*3,590 相葉 バーテンダー
*9,523 DVD*9,523 BD--,--- 松本 夏の恋は虹色に輝く
*8,361 DVD*8,361 BD**,*** 二宮 フリーター、家を買う。
*7,375 DVD*7,375 BD--,--- 二宮 山田太郎ものがたり
*7,131 DVD*7,131 BD--,--- 櫻井 ザ・クイズショウ
*6,982 DVD*3,733 BD*3,249 松本 ラッキーセブン
*6,428 DVD*6,428 BD--,--- 櫻井 特上カバチ!!
*5,723 DVD*5,723 BD**,*** 櫻井 謎解きはディナーのあとで
*5,165 DVD*5,165 BD--,--- 松本 スマイル
*4,609 DVD*4,609 BD**,*** 相葉 三毛猫ホームズの推理
Supposedly, the statement in the yahoo article was said by a TBS staff.. this must mean that they are aware of it (KYA!!!)... so urm.. is it bad that I'm hoping for Ohno to star in a TBS dorama after this???... but I don't mind if it's another FujiTV dorama though (so hoping for his dorama team to come on VSA).. It would be better if he has one dorama at least at every major TV channels (haha - but I don't know much about the situation of letting Johnny talents starring in their dorama at other channel)... after delving into the worlds of manga and anime I also kind of want Ohno to be involved in voice acting too, because I know he has some talents in it (he can even sing in character!)... oh yeah, speaking of this... the situation is really bad for me to see characters I read being voiced over by beautiful voices (of my type, of course) because I have a voice fetish (KYYAAAAA いちゃった!!).. actually I have only been aware of this few years ago when I heard one of my coursemates (a chinese) speaking in malay to the lecturer. He spoke well with no accents... just listening to it made my heart go a bit (really it's a bit only!) doki doki...& I wasn't even looking at him. At that time, it felt ridiculous to have a [slight] crush on someone because of their voice but people have weirder fetishes nowadays so I shouldn't feel bad lol
...hey, all these talk on fetish and crush, how did this post ended up going this way?