Re: David Duchovny is also ABDrwalkerJune 3 2007, 23:49:01 UTC
Funny you mention this. I've seen your comments about Torchwood and it got me interested. I was asking a friend where I should start watching Dr. Who and when I should watch Torchwood. I know there's some hubbub about Torchwood being on BBCA this fall (edited, right?) and I wanted to be on track before then.
Re: David Duchovny is also ABDamazonxJune 4 2007, 01:43:31 UTC
Well, if you use Netflix or Blockbuster, it's faster to rent the dvds. You can download them on Torrents from mininova. There's an LJ comm, but that's a last resort. Oh, and the only thing they'll cut from the show is the F word. Everything else will pretty much stay, on BBC-A.
Comments 4
Hey, do you watch Dr. Who?
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