Well the same thing is happening in the United States. It began with the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs in the 80's, and continued with the outsourcing of computer jobs in the 90's and now. So what's left is a polarized economy with high level positions in corporations left open, and low level positions in the service industry left open, and a disappearing middle. Immigration does affect this too, because the Illegal immigrants entering the US markets have the same effect. That is part of the reason they are trying to change the immigration policies in the US
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That is part of the reason they are trying to change the immigration policies in the US.
I think straightforward racism has a lot do with this. I think business obviously takes advantage of the willingness of newly-arrived immigrants to work for next to nothing, but the system tries to reserve for itself the right to control the movement of people and of jobs. Sometimes it is just a case of divide and rule, scaremongering American workers into thinking that immigrants themselves are responsoible for poor wages and crappy jobs, when this is not the case. It takes concerted political action, of the kind we saw in LA last week, to demand meaningful rights for immigrants and better jobs for everybody.
I like what you said about the 'outsourcing' nations of the world realising the power of withholding labour. And taking otehr kinds of action - in an ideal world everybody would follow the example of this guy!
Right, they are using latent racist/xenophobic attitudes to justify labour abuses, just like they did against the Irish and Italians in New York at the turn of the previous century
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But regardless of whether or not these new laws are actually enforced, they certainly contribute to an increasing level of and social and legal hostility against illegal immigrants.
Well, I only went to Krakow for a few days, but it was one of my favorite places I went to in Europe and especially in all of Eastern Europe. Compared to the rest of Eastern Europe, it felt to me that Poland is farther past the dark specter of crappy service and communism than some of its neighbors. Certainly a lot less racist than the Czech Republic.
Really? I've never been to either country, I should say, but I've never met any Czech people who were as keen to share their racism with me as a good few Polish people. Krakow is apparently very pretty, but inhabited by quite a few scarey-looking skinheads, no?
Not in my experience. I'm rather dark and I encountered racism all over the CR. In Krakow I stayed with two lovely young women and hung out with their friends, played frisbee in the street with them, went to some guy's 30th b-day party at the end of a soup competition...it was a very few memorable days. I definitely never felt any animosity.
I should stress that I'm definitely not trying to suggest that everyone in Poland is racist, or that racism doesn't exist elsewhere! A lot of the attitudes I mentioned are common to a number of Eastern European countries, and of course here in the UK we have our own problems.
i find the vast majority of the poles that have recently come to england very brave, they walk around screwfacing the locals, acting hard......there are hundreds of glossy stickers being put on lampposts and street furniture, and each 1 is a different hooligan firm. they want to fight the brits, because we got a world wide rep for being cunts. and guess what, we dont fear them. i think there will be just as much trouble at home as in germany this summer.
I think that there should be a quota on the number of people coming in from these former communist countries. It is significantly effecting the social economics of the UK. In other words they should go back to their own countries and make them a better place.
Comments 33
I think straightforward racism has a lot do with this. I think business obviously takes advantage of the willingness of newly-arrived immigrants to work for next to nothing, but the system tries to reserve for itself the right to control the movement of people and of jobs. Sometimes it is just a case of divide and rule, scaremongering American workers into thinking that immigrants themselves are responsoible for poor wages and crappy jobs, when this is not the case. It takes concerted political action, of the kind we saw in LA last week, to demand meaningful rights for immigrants and better jobs for everybody.
I like what you said about the 'outsourcing' nations of the world realising the power of withholding labour. And taking otehr kinds of action - in an ideal world everybody would follow the example of this guy!
i think there will be just as much trouble at home as in germany this summer.
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