Let's see, what have we missed.
Abby-cat returned late one night, the following morning we noticed she had a cut on the top of her paw. It looked quite deep, so I took her to the vet and they confirmed that they wanted to put stitches in. So we went back the next day for that, and she got to spend a few weeks wearing the cone of shame - except when I felt too sorry for her and took it off for a little while.
It healed well, and the blood tests confirmed she is a healthy older cat with no sign of lurking kidney or thyroid issues.
Ms5 has new glasses, and doesn't need to wear patches any more (because the glasses will do the correction). We are all happy about this.
I have a new phone. We have banking reward points that need to be used soon, so we cashed some in on the phone and a couple of christmas presents. Might end up sending the rest to frequent flyer program since it hasn't folded yet and it looks like we'll have some flying to do next year.
Mr8 started his cricket season, joining a team in the "Super 7's". So far dad has taken him to Thursday training and Sunday morning games, and Mr8 is enjoying it. I figured that with David working from home and it actually being possible for him to take Mr8 to training, it was a good chance for him to be more involved in extra-curricular activities.
Ms5 had her first cricket practice on Friday, I took both of them along and Mr8 was keen to be a coaches helper. They both had fun, a tired Ms5 was perhaps a bit over-excited, but it's good that they're enjoying life.
I finally got the carpets dry cleaned. Naturally kids and cats didn't let them remain clean for long, but there is general improvement. In addition to the lounge and dining area, I also got the hallways and stairs cleaned.
Fencing is now back to full swing. I coached a couple of state squad sessions, although being on a Thursday night means I don't want to do that one regularly. At the club, we cautiously only booked our shorter holiday hours in the venue for the rest of the year, and now we find ourselves pressed for time and space. A nice problem to have, we haven't lost nearly as many members as I thought we might.
Adults have finally been allowed to return, so David and Ms5 are back with us Saturday mornings.
I don't know if the Saturday morning fencing routine was the last piece of normality they needed or just coincidence, but I've noticed both kids seem happier the last couple of weeks. I watch them run the last stretch on the walk home from school, chattering to one another, and I'm struck by how happy they are. Which make's me happy.