Mar 01, 2005 22:37
So, alas, I have a new cell. Communication can return.
I'm stage managing...
WILLY WONKA - March 4 @ 8:00 & 5 @ 7:00 & 10:30 in the MC Continental Ballroom! Come and see a World of Pure Imagination! Wonka Bars to be handed out at the door! Golden All for Tickets! Strike that, reverse it!
Feb 24, 2005 09:49
Whooo Hoooo, no school! And no cell phone.
Feb 21, 2005 18:46
I have returned from my bouts in New York City. And my cell phone is still lost somewhere in the underground piping systems of our Nation's Capital.
Feb 16, 2005 21:54
I flushed my cell phone down the toilet. No, not on purpose.
Jan 02, 2005 11:35
Who has spring break around March 12-20?
Dec 29, 2004 21:45
haaaaaaaaaaappy biiiiiiiiiiiirthday, my sweet, delicious, curious, fantastic favorite.
Dec 25, 2004 02:55
So good to see everyone at my house. Except for inappropriate highschoolers. We'll leave it at that. Everything teaches me how much I should appreciate my real friends.
UberKak: lol
UberKak: oh you orkins
UberKak: so wild!!
UberKak: out of control
Rxn111: it's true
p.s. I love Carolina.
Dec 21, 2004 00:16
TOMORROW (Tuesday)
-drive family to airport
-Applied anatomy and physiology final
-clean room and pack
-buy more presents for friends and family
-Pike trip to UMD greek store. again. more paddling.
-steal Kimmy
And for Wednesday and Thursday.....
what comes before Part B?
Dec 17, 2004 10:12
I don't believe this! There was a huge mix up with my Personal Health and Wellness class. I had a 98%. I could teach that class! And now I have an F. Wow, this is ridonckulous. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. So many wasted hours. So many! need intoxication immediately.
Dec 16, 2004 22:47
My crazy roommate is gooooone! Come and party with me until Tuesday.