Howdy everyone, thought I'd make one of my quarterly updates, so here it goes....
Even though it was like a month ago I had a rockin good time at ALA. Shnap, I got SO hammered Saturday night of the con and had an AMAZING time. The only thing I really remember at this point was doing pull-ups on a door, going to a room and eating some guys sandwich(it was delicious, btw), and sliding into a bathtub and falling asleep. Thanks again to Joey, David, and everyone else for putting up with my drunken antics.
A few weeks later I got to goto J-Con, which was delicious! After eating to much food lotsa people went over to Hai's and we watched some terrible movies, it was amazing. Yet another big thanks to Wayne and Hai for all that they did.
Last week, Kendra showed me this amazing movie called D-Wars(short for Dragon Wars, lol). It was SO bad it was good! Seriously, I didn't think it was possible for a movie this bad to get into theaters, but somehow this one did at one point. Just to show how horrendously amazing this movie was we watched it again 2 days later and it had only gotten better. I recommend finding a way to pirate this movie for your viewing pleasure. Please don't pay money in anyway to see it, I dunno if I could handle a sequel! XD
I was a little over 2 months ago that I mentioned I was trying to work out 5 days a week and eat more reasonably. Well I failed at the eating more reasonably part, but I did manage to goto the gym fairly regularly and for my troubles I am down 20 pounds(218lbs->197lbs). I honestly never thought I'd be under 200lbs again after high school, lol. But yesh, I'm gonna try and start eating reasonably for reals this time and see where it gets me. The best part of this is now that I have bragged about losing all this weight I'm gonna gain it all back, because thats how the universe flows and stuff.
Been watching a little anime recently, I just finished watching Darker Than Black by recommendation of Christine. And now I am just about to finish Gurren Lagann. Damn this series is amazing, I never want it to end, I love all the characters and the story is pretty rad. Sadly, I only have 5 episodes left, after which I'm gonna have to find another series to watch.....any suggestions?
Haven't been playing many games lately with the exception on Call of Duty 4. I borrowed it from friend Dan and wow I can see why people love it so much. It's just so good at putting you in rad/epic situations! Despite getting a brain cell ending headache I didn't wanna put it down! I haven't been that hooked on a FPS since Halo 2.
Bleh, back in school and this is definitley going to be the longest semester of my college career yet. But if I make it through this I'll be really well off as far as accounting is concerned since this is basically as hard as it is going to get. If anyone cares my schedule looks something like this....
Sunday: Work / Family Timez
Monday: Work or Free Day
Tuesday: Class 8:30-10:00am(Irvine) / Class 2:30-4:00pm(Fullerton) / Class 7:00-10:00pm(Irvine)
Wednesday: Class 7:00-10:00pm
Thursday: Class 8:30-10:00am(Irvine) / Class 2:30-4:00pm(Fullerton)
Friday: Free Day!
Saturday: Work
So yeah it's not so much the classes are long its just all the driving between the Irvine and Fullerton campuses, lol.
OKAY! That is all for now, I'll post again when I have a six pack(of soda?), lol!