In 2001: Space Odyssey, the computer tries to take over and create a distopic society. As humans, we are afraid of a computer’s potentially limitless power and superiority over the human brain. Naturally, when any animal feels threatened by another, their first reaction is fear. However, although computers are theoretically limitless, the computer
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Comments 2
Simone F.
Your point at the end about whether emparting artificial intelligence is morally right is a good one for this reason: No matter how advanced we may become at giving human capabilities and instructions to machines, we will probably still not get it correct.
If you give a machine a thought process to consider, it will do so. However it will not adapt and evolve much beyond that. So problems arise with a machine such as HAL and Mike. They are only doing what we have told them to do. They only adapt mentally in certain ways, not taking into consideration things that humans do.
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