(1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Yes. I defy you to ask me something I'm uncomfortable answering.
(2) Would you do meth if it was legal?
God no. How fucking stupid.
(3) Abortion: for or against it?
I'm totally FOR it. Murder all the fucking babies. OK, no one is FOR abortion. My position is that it should not be illegal.
(4) Do you think the world would fail with a female US president?
Um...of course not. That's ridiculous.
(5) Do you believe in the death penalty?
Not at all. There's no reason for it. It's about revenge and anger. It's not about justice or saving money or deterrence or any of the things it's supposed to be about. It's also complete hypocrisy.
(6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yup, but not because I want to smoke it. If alcohol is legal, pot should be.
(7) Are you for or against premarital sex?
Sigh. Is this still even an issue for anyone? It's none of my business when other people fuck. For me: HELL YES. I think it's stupid to marry someone you haven't had sex with.
(8) Do you believe in God?
I really liked
lovemonster's answer to this one. Some days I do, some days I don't. I think the whole binary theist/atheist debate is tired and not very interesting. A more interesting question is: "What is God?"
(9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Absofuckinglutely. Immediately.
(10) Do you think it's wrong that so many immigrants are moving into the country?
Hell no. I liked
lovemonster's answer so much here that I had to steal her quote that she took from Lady Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Anti-immigration is selfish bullshit. "I got mine since my parents came over, now you riffraff stay out!"
(11) A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Almost certainly not, though there are circumstances where it might work.
(12) Should the alcohol age be increased to 21?
It already is in my state.
(13) Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Never should've been started. It's based on lies. It has nothing to do with 9-11. It's a total quagmire that's a waste of American lives and dollars, not to mention the 50k (at least) Iraqi civilians killed.
(14) Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
No. Assisted suicide should be legal.
(15) Do you believe in spanking your children?
(16) Would you burn your country's flag for a million dollars?
I would burn my country's flag for nothing, right now, because being allowed to burn the flag is what this country is REALLY about, not a symbol. The actual freedom the symbol represents is far more important than the symbol.
(17) Who do you think would make a better US president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. Hands down.
(18) What is the biggest problem with society that needs to be dealt with?
Damn you and your good answers, Tina (healthcare and education), but I'm actually not going to take this one. My answer is: tribalism. Let me explain. The idea that life is about competition between groups instead of us all being in this together to help each other. That's the biggest problem. I admit there's no easy solution.
(19) Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Hell no. Whoever wrote this survey is an intellectual pussy. Give me some real questions, please.