Song Meme stolen from
halcyon and altered
Put Your Music Player On Shuffle and Answer
Song # 1:
Artist: R.E.M.
Title: Pretty Persuasion
What is the very first lyric in the song? "It's what I want, hurry and buy."
Is that lyric significant to you in any way? Nope. I have a lot of R.E.M. because I have their two-disc compilation, but many of them I don't know very well.
What is the 4th line of the song? "Try to put that on your sleeve, it's all wrong, it's all wrong."
Does that line make you think of a certain person? Nope!
What is your favorite lyric in this song? "All has been tried, follow reasoning."
Song # 2:
Artist: Dido
Title: Thank You
What is the last lyric of the song? "Oh, just to be with you is having the best day of my life."
Replace the 2nd word of that lyric with the word "potato:" "Oh, Potato, to be with you is having the best day of my life."
What is the 9th line of the song? "I drank too much last night, got bills to pay."
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street? . . . .well. Um. I'd wonder what on earth happened to Sesame Street since I watched it as a kid.
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest? I can't really think of one, I don't relate to it much as a song.
Song # 3:
Artist: Aselin Debison
Title: Getting Dark Again
What is the chorus of this song? "Getting Dark Again, It's Getting Dark Again, for the second time since we got up, it's getting dark again!"
If someone you like sang the chorus to you would it be romantic? No, it's. . .basically a statement, albeit a cheerfully sung one.
Replace the 9th word of the song with the word "beast:"
There's a piper in the corner,
There's a beast on the floor.
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for? A really happy one about a bunch of Irish folk singers!
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Uh, Dark, I guess?
Song # 4:
Artist:: RENT Original Broadway Soundtrack
Title:: Today 4 U
What is the first lyric in this song? "Gentlemen, our benefactor on this Christmas Day. . ."
What if your opinion of the entire song was based on that one lyric?: I would think it a very different song.
What lyric reminds you most of one of your exes? I have never dated anyone, let alone a cheerful transvestite.
If this song title was a movie title, what would the movie be about? . . .It actually is the title of the fictional movie at the end of the musical, so there you go, I guess?
Song # 5:
Artist:: Jenny Bienemann
Title:: Cupola
What is the most offensive/vulgar lyric in this song? It's maybe the world's happiest, cutest song. I'd be extremely hard pressed to think of one.
What is the 10th line of the song? "We can open all the sliding glass doors!"
Does that lyric remind you of a situation you've been in? In spirit, a little I guess. I've never been in a Cupola, though! ^_^
Does this song have a deep meaning, or is it just straight forward? It's straight forward, I guess. It's a cheerful, whimsical song about friendship.
Song # 6:
Artist: R.E.M
Title: It's The End Of The World As We Know It(And I Feel Fine)
What if your last name was included in the song title? I'd be greatly amused.
What is the 5th line in the song? "World serves its own needs, don't mis-serve your own needs!"
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial? Maybe a really cynical PSA.
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song? "Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives, and I decline!"
Why is that your favorite? Really, it could have any meaning, but to me really seems to be about stubbornness, which is common with people, self included. Once people perceive something to be a certain way, negative or positive, convincing them otherwise can be difficult.
Song # 7:
Artist: Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer
Title: Tanglewood Tree
What is the funniest lyric in this song? I can't say there is one. It's a very poignant song. Since I can't answer this, I'll say that my favorite line here is "Love is a light in the sky, and an unspoken lie, and a half-whispered prayer."
What is the 8th lyric in this song? 7th and 8th are one sentence: "Love is a trackless domain and the rumor of rain/ in the late afternoon."
What if there was a restaurant named from the 1st and 5th word of that lyric: "Love Domain." Uh. . .
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song? Three times. "Young lovers in the tall grass with their hearts open wide," "Thin as a vagrant young vine, it encircles and twines, and it holds the heart fast," and "Cold when the summer is spent in the jade heart's lament for the faith of a child."
Song # 8:
Artist: Mary Poppins
Title: Feed the Birds.
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song? XD That's ridiculously hilarious and terrifying.
What is the chorus of this song? "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag."
What is the last lyric in the song? "Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag."
Is that the best lyric in the song? No. There are so many beautiful lyrics in this song. . .
Song # 9:
Artist: Seanan McGuire
Title: Downhome Aphrodite
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book? I'd read some of it, just to know what it was about, and I'm slightly Kingaphobic.
What is the 12th line in this song? "And the minute that I saw her, Lord, I knew it wasn't fair."
Do you even like that lyric at all? It's okay, there are better lyrics in this song.
Do you know all the words to this song? . . .Yes. I adore this song.
What kind of mood does this song put you in? Not sure - it's just an awesome some. All velvety and smooth and full of obscure Greek Mythology references.
Song # 10:
Artist: Assassins Original Broadway Soundtrack
Title: Something Just Broke
What is the 7th line in this song? "The President's been shot."
Does that lyric bring up any memories? Not to me, personally, but it's pretty much guaranteed to for many people.
Would this song be good in a fight scene in movie? Only a very screwed-up fight scene.
What is your favorite lyric in this song? "Fix it up fast, please, till it's just smoke."
Good thing this meme ended where it did, or it would hit David Bowie.
Speaking of music, I need to get more Assassins - I intend to buy the Off-Broadway at some point, but right now that last song(Which is Broadway-only, I think) is all I have.
But I may need to put it off for the Sunday in the Park with George soundtrack. Or at least I need to get "Color and Light" and "Finishing the Hat," as those two numbers were incredibly powerful and lovely. I really loved the Original Broadway Video Recording of the play in general, though it's a vibrant but quiet love, rather than my passionate love for the other three Sondheim musicals I've been exposed to.
Poll Laptop Skin Question For reference, this is Letting Go: