Baccano!, I love you, and you are fantastic.
. . .I know the nausea-inducing violence is just tough love. Your way of showing you care.
. . .seriously, though. That was a bit much.
But it was still completely awesome.
I think the only one in this cast that I have ever at any point lost love for is Nicholas. My opinion of everyone else has stayed rather consistent, or at least grown considerably. .
Well, I hate Quates with a burning passion, and Dallas means nothing to me, but as I said, consistent.
Anyway, wow. This show really gets better and better as it goes along. ^_^ For this disc, my two favorite parts were the meeting between Russo and Czeslaw, and the fight between Chane and Russo. But, really, it's everything. Okay, here's some attempt at organization.
"Mister, could you please do a favor for me?" "What's that?" "Kill everyone."
That was just fantastic, Czeslaw's whole wide-eyed little kid act and then suddenly switching to diabolical schemes.
This was also really the first time I got to learn ANYTHING about Chane, so, so far, I'm liking her character a lot, though I find what's going on with her and with Huey slightly confusing for reasons I can't define.
. . .I'm really conflicted about Rail Tracer, honestly. I can't figure out if he's the greatest person ever or absolutely horrifying and awful.
Jacuzzi and Nice's romance and rampage and cherry bomb-exchanges tug at my heart strings in a caperish fashion.
. . .I love how Isaac and Miria can drink the elixir of eternal life and obtain immortality without having any idea whatsoever that they have done so.
Ennis and Firo are interesting, because their stories are maybe the most standard and yet they are maybe my favorite characters right now.
I love Maiza, and actually, the scene between him and Quates was almost painful to watch because I just wanted him to finally kill the person that had ruined his life and the only person that could really be a threat to him, and I knew he wasn't going to.
. . .speaking of painful to watch, the Rail Tracing scene at the start of episode 9 was awful, but really what made me want to go throw up was the conversation between Claire and Czeslaw. Also, the flashback to Cseslaw's past and something awful that I sort of realized about it and wish I hadn't, and would have to go back and see to verify but don't want to.
Disc four. Two weeks. I need it.
*ponders buying it instead of the end of Gurren Lagann*
So, tonight, we are going to see Up.
I am incredibly excited, despite having accidentally spoiled myself for the first half of the movie yesterday. It wasn't anything major, though, so I'm not too disappointed, and it was my own fault. . . .The thing is, I honestly found the mere summary of the plot to be riveting enough that I could not stop reading it. I finally tore myself away from it before I got to anything I really didn't already know.
I also learned something interesting. Apparently, when the plot of the film was originally conceived, the writers were concerned, as it carried with it undertones of a suicide mission. It no longer does, to any real extent, now that the other characters have been added and a definite goal for Fredrickson created, but it's an interesting piece of information.
And now, I will finish Giant Robo.