I'm back

May 07, 2006 22:02

I decided that I'd rather have my livejournal instead of Xanga. Xanga was boring. I like livejoural it seems happier to me. Also, it's better than myspace because that Tom guy isn't here, I don't think.

This place has changed so much in just a couple of years, I like it better this way.

I've accomplished enough for the day, time to rest.

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Comments 3

labelmehere____ May 8 2006, 16:23:59 UTC
You're back on livejournal! Yeah xanga is making me mad too with the whole "We're not going to let Jennifer on because she's not cool enough!" thing. I Love You!


corporatehippy May 8 2006, 21:12:44 UTC
Ryan, call me!


ryankbrown May 9 2006, 01:47:39 UTC


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