May 26, 2010 18:05
- 19:59 @ JShoee boo for screwing up precious precious SF traffic! #
- 12:38 @ xefyr cmd-n for class lookup: you can use caps: HRS for HRegionServer #
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May 25, 2010 18:05
- 22:20 "I'm just getting bounced all over cyberspace" - CSI:Miami sucks #
- 14:45 @ strlen is this a rhetorical question or did you need a real answer? #
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May 23, 2010 18:05
- 11:09 @ machielg HBase performs excellently for map-reduces and other massive data tasks. Scales up easier too! #
- 11:46 @ stumbling_eric oh god I hope we have a better app than that by then! You will have to show me the magic that makes Evernote useful #
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Apr 25, 2010 18:05
- 18:32 @ otisg yes. Usually in response to filtering terms from a higher level system, eg: hive or pig #
- 12:33 @ alexdongHBase 0.20.4 will be substantially faster, also there are other performance plans as well. Community > technology sometimes #
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Apr 23, 2010 18:05
- 20:52 @ LusciousPear @strlen simplicity of distributed stores is a trait that is under valued #
- 23:00 @ strlen the bigger problem imho is lack of loyalty going the opposite direction. Companies reap what they sow #
- 23:19 @ strlen employees who are "disloyal" are merely returning the favor as the business community moves towards a ruthless mgmt
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Apr 22, 2010 18:05
- 15:08 Here at SU we enjoy using the advanced features of HBase to power website features. Things we do now we could not do otherwise. #
- 17:18 @ strlen we liberally use features such as incrementColumnValue to build features we cant on nearly any other platform (esp dynamo clones) #
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Apr 17, 2010 18:05
- 15:06 @ xefyr rubbing a lemon, yes frickin lemon on my tongue! #
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Apr 16, 2010 18:05
- 01:50 @ echarles technically it was test code and ill never reply, never! #
- 02:20 New wow expansion: tax day. AGI=adjusted gold income,repair write offs and captial gains for the ah. Next=mark to market for epics #
- 15:48 @ echarles I replied with a reproduction on a Linux-based VM (presumed to be "better"). So now what? #
- 17:16 @ LusciousPear are you
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Apr 15, 2010 18:05
- 12:36 Working hard at prepping HBase 0.20.4, lots of good things in here! #
- 13:51 @ LusciousPear HBASE-2248 is the name of the game, also some other things stack found. #
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