Title: Wingman
Ryans-cupcakeFandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters: Dino, Squalo
Prompt: Watch
Word Count: 726
Rating: G
Summary: Squalo makes Dino his wingman (You know like that scene in Top Gun?)
Warnings: It's not really that good.
Disclaimer: Don't own Reborn.
Squalo lit up his cigarette, and exhaled right into Dino's face. "I really wish you would stop doing that," He complained.
"Man up. Smoking's good for you," Squalo retorted, leaning out the car's window, "We didn't skip school just so you could wimp out on me did we?"
"... No..." Dino said meekly.
"Alright, are you ready?" He asked, flicking his cigarette into the car park.
"Have you ever been on a date before?" Squalo asked curiously.
"Uh- No..."
"All the better, you'll make me look good," Squalo grabbed a fur coat from the backseat of the car to protect him from Italy's cool winter wind, "Alright then, look all you've got to do is go in there and pretend to like this girl, while I chat up her friend, ok?"
"C'mon Squalo, do you really need me to do this?" Dino wined.
"Well alright... But I'm warning you, this going to be a train wreck..." Dino warned his best friend.
"Don't worry, it's just a date, what can go wrong?"
"How long have you been watching this girl anyway? You don't seem like the kind of guy that would need help wooing anyone," Dino joked as they entered through the mall's main entrance.
"Vooooi! What's that supposed to mean?" Squalo said in anger, but you could still hear the humour in his voice. "I just need a wingman, you know like that scene from Top Gun?"
"I haven't seen that movie... Let's just get this over with." Dino said with a sigh.
Squalo led Dino into the crowded food court, scanning the crowd looking for his prey. He was like a fisherman who had sighted his catch and was lining his spear up ready for the kill. Finally he spotted the straightened bleach blonde hair, she was wearing a hot pink tank top and a mini-skirt, the kind of girl you knew everyone had had. She was sitting with another girl who was completely different; she had messy brown hair, wasn't that tall and was wearing a pink hoddie with jeans on.
"So, Would you like to see my skills with a sword?" Squalo said casually taking a seat at the girl’s table.
"I'm pretty good myself," The blonde girl flirted back.
"Well if you're not careful you might get pierced by my sword,"
"Don't worry I think I can handle it," She said with a wink. They leaned in for a kiss, and began exchanging body fluid over the table, leaving the girl in the pink hoddie and Dino very embarrassed.
Dino tried for small talk, "So um... My name's Dino... Nice to meet you..." he mumbled.
"Uh- I'm Sofia, Uh- Did you get dragged here too?"
"Yeah... Is it that obvious...? Aha... I was just asked to be his Wingman... It really looks like I wasn't needed at all..."
"You were asked to be his wingman?!?"
"Yeah is there something wrong with that?"
"I was asked to be her wingman!" She said, the couple beside them still making out over the table. "Sigh looks like we've been screwed... Want to ditch them and catch a movie or something?"
Dino nodded silently in agreement, and they both quietly got up to leave leaving the two love sharks to their business. Dino and Sofia went off and had a load of fun by them selves, they went around the malls toy shops playing with their lego, they went to the movies, they played on the bouncy castle, Sofia even brought some clothes.
When they arrived back at the table, they found that the pair was still locked at the mouth right where they had left them. Don't they have to breath? Dino wondered. "Ahem... Squalo... Squalo!" Dino repeated trying to get his attention.
He broke contact from the girls lips, "VOOOOOOOOOOOI WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?" He screeched.
"We need to leave now if we're going to get back to the dorms in time..." Dino muttered.
"Fine... I'll call you," He said, winking at her.
"Uh- I- I had fun today..." Dino stammered through turning a deep shade of red.
"So did I," Sofia replied, her face's colour matched Dino's.
"VOOOOOOOOOOI! He'll call you later, C'mon shrimp we need to go," Squalo said dragging him by his collar.
"Uh Bye," Dino said sheepishly waving good-bye.