Mom and Fights

Jun 11, 2004 16:01

WE just got into a fight over the phone about the stupid dog that you are forcing me to care about ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

urnewstepdad June 11 2004, 21:46:28 UTC
i totaly know how u feel home dawg jigga funk pancakes and syrup wit cherries lol


eituczmlil June 11 2004, 22:54:06 UTC
oh i know Tash remember when i got in a fight w/ my mom at ur house? Yeah i know how u feel...i guess since shes ur mom and she knows that when u help and stuf she tries to find some way to get mad at you and thats how my mom is when i go to ur house...ya know when she calls and tries to find some way to make me come home LOL. i hope ur better now call me anytime. luv you big sis.


Re: U think thats BAD airdudemike88 June 12 2004, 04:07:43 UTC
Tash u dont know how good u got it man you and your mom have fights but she still kares bout you.. But see im constantlly gettin in fights with my grandma and papa and the rest of my rediculous family.. i cant even wake up with out them saying do this do taht dont foget this.. and crap then when i say i will in min they jump on me and crap and say dont back talk me im gunna take away the comp.. Anyways im gunna say this atleast u have a family that kares about you... As far as my family basically they all hate me and they have said it to my face and tahts every single person in my family....well yeah jus to let u know u dont have it all that bad..


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