Work and Raises

Jun 19, 2004 10:46

So i currently work at Panera for 6.25 an hour and frankly i need a raise so last night i do some extra things in the bakery and my manager was really impressed like i cleaned the refrigerator where we keep all the milks and stuff for our espresso drinks and IC drinks and that thing was HORRIBLE seriously it was back dried milk all over the thing ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

urnewstepdad June 19 2004, 20:17:05 UTC
i think u would have a better chance if u jus slept with ur boss, provided it's a guy cuz i wasn't payin that much attention and i'm not readin it again jus to find out if it's a guy or not lol


airdudemike88 June 21 2004, 02:09:27 UTC
Frankly tash it sounds like you tried a lil to hard for that raise... if you didnt try so hard then maybe you would get one soon...


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