In your own space, talk about your creative process - from what inspires you to what motivates you to how you manage to break through blocks. Does your process change depending on the type of creating you're doing?
Lol, this could be a long one. Okay:
In terms of what inspires me, literally anything. I can get ideas for a story anywhere at any time. I find that music often stirs the muse into action, but equally I can be in a silent room, alone with my thoughts, and a story idea will just appear in my head.
Motivation? Now that's the hard one. I usually try to get as much done in those first few days when my muse is overly excited and ready to churn that story out. After that, it's usually more of a struggle. A deadline helps things along, because I hate letting anyone down when I sign up for a fest, but usually I can get a story done with or without one, albeit in a slightly longer time.
Writer's block is the bane of my life (along with brain fog, which is a new writing torture brought on by my ME). I can usually plough on through a block, but sometimes you just have to step back for a while - do something else, or write something entirely different - and sometimes it needs weeks or months rather than days, but when you go back with a fresh perspective, somehow things just seem to fall into place and make sense when they didn't before.
My process doesn't change all that much, although if I'm writing a long story, I generally take lots of notes about details and plot points so I don't forget. Whereas with shorter stories, I often just start writing and see where that takes me. Drabbles I just think about for a bit and then sit down and write.
As for sharing fandom things, like gif sets and pic spams, I generally just make them when I come across something that I really want to share. Things like running community challenges, I do to stir the muses of others, and it's very rewarding when a lot of people respond. Unfortunately fandom on LJ does seem to be steadily diminishing, though, along with numbers. Sad days.