Snowflake Challenge - Day 7

Jan 07, 2015 16:05

In your own space, share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme. (More than one is okay, too.) Tell us about it, tell us why you love it, give us some examples and recs.

Gosh, I love so many. Okay, my favourites...

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snowflake challenge, fandom

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Comments 3

torino10154 January 7 2015, 21:29:24 UTC
Mmm, yes, lovely choices. I couldn't agree more. :)


rycolfan January 8 2015, 16:03:23 UTC
Thanks! :)


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rycolfan January 12 2015, 18:00:13 UTC
No, me neither! It's probably my greatest weakness when it comes to fics. Oh, I must check that fic out (as well as finishing 'The Vacation', which I'm savouring). :)


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