I found this new website called asofterworld.com and it had a bunch of inspiring comic strips. I found myself going through them, reading and thinking up plots and stories to go along with some of them. I saved a bunch to my computer and picked out the twenty that I loved the most; that inspired me the most and wrote out standalones to go along with them. The pairings vary. But most are mainly Ryden because for some reason, I can't find myself to write anything else! The ratings will also vary, as will the type (kid!fic, AU) and the mood. Maybe you'll laugh, maybe you'll cry or have your heartbroken. My goal is to make you feel all three of those. Anyways, if you'd like to follow along then I'll be keeping the stories here, in this post, with links to them and the comic strip above the titles so you can see what had come from just a few loaded words.
Missing YouRating: PG-13
Pairings: Ryan/Brendon, Jon/Cassie, Keltie/Tom
Summary: When Brendon has to go away on a business trip for a month, Ryan misses him terribly.