Title: Chibi Kame and Jin
Chibi Jin pushed chibi Kame towards a tree, "Climb it!" He poked the tree assuring chibi Kame that the tree is safe and strong. "I don't want...." chibi Kame whined. "Do it!" Chibi Jin pushed chibi Kame.
Chibi Kame sighed, he climbed up the tree, he looked down "How do I get down..?" and chibi Jin suddenly panicked. "Jiiiiiinnnnn!!!" Chibi Kame yelled and giving chibi Jin fouls signs using his body because his hands are currently occupied in keeping him safe on the tree.
"Ne.. don't cry! I'll go get help!!" Chibi Jin nodded and ran away to seek for help. He looked around, "Ah! That is suitable" he ran toward a guy and asked him for help. After agreeing, chibi Jin drag him back to the tree where Kame got stuck on and he left the man there. Chibi Jin continued running and collecting people until he felt it is enough.
Chibi Jin then spend another 10 minutes rearranging the people he had collected, he looked up "Ok.. Kazu chan... Jump!" Chibi Jin waved his hands and pointed to the bed of big and pissed off people that he had collected and forced them to lay under the tree for chibi Kame to fall on.
Chibi Kame was apologizing to the people on the ground nonstop due too chibi Jin's logic and he stucked on the tree for another 30 minutes when Mr Kamenashi came and help to get chibi Kame down.