Title: Not That Sneaky: The Sequel
Pairing: Ben/Leslie
Rating: R
Word Count: 1200 (this part)
Setting: During Pawnee Commons (this part)
Summary: A sequel to
this fic. In other words, five more times Ben and Leslie were caught/interrupted during sex.
A/n: Hey, remember when I thought I was going to get this posted quickly? Probably not, because it
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Comments 15
Favorite line, after the one about the criminal mastermind: Stealing keys from the FBI director is like stealing candy from a baby with a bionic hand
Second, your Burt POV was perfect.
Third, this was cute and funny and sexy, which is the perfect Parks trifecta.
Fourth, I now want a Parks/New Girl crossover fic of Leslie and Winston planning over-the-top revenge schemes.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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