The "Sica Effect"

Jun 19, 2009 15:37

Jessica Jung: The "Sica Effect"
for those who don't know what it is, and for those who
have friends who don't know what it is and really don't
want to have to explain it themselves. I understand.

The "Sica Effect" is a well known attack used by Jessica Jung of the wildly popular and hot Korean girl group, 소녀시대 (Girls' Generation).
She is known for being (or at least, was given the title/nickname) an 얼음공주 (Ice Princess).
She often speaks without emotion or doesn't laugh when others do (which is due to the fact of her other unique quality -- her slow reactions and also her unique sense of humor).
In addition, Jessica is often spotted looking hauty, appearing bored, looking disgusted, being generally not-there, or looking pissed.
The Gorjess Spazzers, the ("We're Not Perverted, We Just Notice Things") fan cult of the Ice Princess, attempts to explain her behavior by adding that Jessica is well-known for adoring her sleep and therefore they believe that where ever she is (on stage, in an interview, doing a radio, pretending to be fashion editor or pretending to be mom), she would probably rather be sleeping, which leads to her obvious disinterest.
Whenever she does speak, however, a cold and awkward atmosphere appears and there is, more often than not, silence for several moments afterwards.
The "Sica Effect" is proven, having worked on various variety shows numerous times (i.e. Star Golden Bell) and also in interviews (i.e. In the Booth with Isak). Because of her "Sica Effect", Jessica remains fairly quiet and camera shy.

Video Proof:
"Soshi Fun Fact #10 - Sica Effect" by Aienbest
Length: 2:14 -- Begins with the two American Girls of 소녀시대 during an interview with DJ Isak and ending with a clip from Star Golden Bell in which Jessica is questioned about the "Sica Effect". Poor girl.

"SNSD Ice Princess speaks about "SICA EFFECT"' by Anneth021
Length: 1:42 -- The same interview with leads the first video (the two American Girls of 소녀시대 during an interview with DJ Isak) except with longer length, showing more of the "Sica Effect" during that specific interview. Jessica explains the "Sica Effect" herself in despair, and also explains that because of her "Sica Effect" she doesn't speak much.

Credits: the Gorjess Spazzers and their various scary threads on
+ (Aienbest, Anneth021)

If there's anything you'd like to add, please feel free 8D this is mainly for the luzl
plus it's summer and it's not like i have a life or anything better to do, seriously.

i hate you all, jessica is amazing, this is a jessica bible, why do i have no life, sonyuhshistupid, hajiman sexxxyyy~, this is horrible 8d

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