Are you smarter than a 5th grader???

Mar 01, 2007 21:44

Ha ha so I saw this new game show on t.v. called "are you smarter than a 5th grader?" and it is hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. Now when I saw this at first I thought, really people can't do well on this game show. I mean the premise of the game is that there are 5 kids who are in the 5th grade who are playing along to help you...shouldn't these ADULTS ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

shortykat March 3 2007, 03:48:17 UTC
ursa major. the little dipper is in ursa minor. :)


ryinjnm03 March 13 2007, 03:48:17 UTC
ha ha yea I know that now!! As soon as the little girl said it I remembered talking about it in class but that was 15 years ago!! haha!! I knew it wasn't in Orion's belt though which is what the guy guessed on the show! OH well....I guess I am just not that much smarter than a 5th grader!! Although I can tell you what and where most of the bones in your body are and alot of the muscles!! haha...they should have a game show like that!


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