I will post this for everyone to read....

Mar 14, 2007 00:52

I think it is complete bullshit that Bryan is putting his health at risk by staying awake for going on 6 days now to finish something that I feel like most of the original people could give a fuck about now but will definitely being taking credit for if it succeeds!! (No Marcia I don't mean you, but you know who I am talking about ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sucks venusgoddess18 March 14 2007, 13:44:09 UTC
Yeah. . .but i heard bry got to go home at 3, so i hope he got to sleep. Steve got home at 6:45 and i havn't been able to sleep since he woke me up so it's just fucking with everyone's schedule. I dunno why my body thought it was time to wake up after only 5 hours of sleep. Though that's still more than most of the group is getting so i can't complain. I guess there was really only 1 scene that was a little off in the end, so it was mostly steve waiting around for Kenny to finish compositing. I'm just glad bryan had more help this time. . .and I'm really glad it's over. Its uploaded, and we're all done.

We're driving to DC on tuesday if you wanna have a goodbye dinner for bryan before than :)


Re: sucks ryinjnm03 March 14 2007, 17:23:18 UTC
Yea I was thinking maybe Friday night!! What are you guys doing for St Pats? Yea Bry came home at 4:30a...he got to sleep for about 4.5 hours so he only has about 36 more to catch up on all that he has missed!! Let me know about this weekend


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