Rymon Fest 2009 Sign Up Post!

Jan 15, 2009 22:08

The sign-up post! Hooray!

Please comment on this post if you plan to submit prompts and write fics for the 2009 (AI Season 8) Rymon Fest!

Be sure to read the rules first, though!
(they're pretty much, at the moment, the exact same rules as last year)

Those participating in the 2nd ever Rymon Fest:

1. redwhitedresses 
2. jordandesolated 
3. rymonrocks 
4. strawberrytatoo 
5. mia6363 
6. jenncho 
8. stoptocheer 
10. elenauial 
11. eilujspark 
12. ignazwisdom

If you just want to be a spectator and read the fics you can certainly become a member of this comm and comment on the fics once they are up (Everyone loves feedback!) but you will not be allowed to submit prompts.

Also, it's never too late to join :3 Well, until after the deadline, that is. But if you aren't sure right now if you'd like to/can participate, or if you are happening to stumble across this comm later on in the season of AI, feel free to comment and sign up! =)

rymon fest 2.0, sign ups!

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