Remus/Sirius reclist, page two

Jun 22, 2004 14:45

Page one

Titles N-Z

The Never-Ending Diary of Remus Lupin Aged 34 1/2 by Alshain, R. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.

Nine Regrettably Short Stories About Sirius Black and Things That Happened On or Around Christmas by librae, PG? One-shot, MWPP.

No One Ever Said It Would Be This Hard by throughadoor, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black by ariastar, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Not This Day by franticbabbles, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Nothing's Gonna Change by starstillwonder, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

A Number of Things Which Sirius Black Did Not Give to Remus Lupin for Christmas by throughadoor, G/PG? One-shot, MWPP.

Obsidian Rhapsody by cobalt_violet, R. Chaptered, complete, AU.

The Odd Couple by neatokates, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Ode to Joy (Beethoven's Ninth) by starshimmer, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts/post-Hogwarts.

Of Secret Love and Snowball Fights by ReallyBadEggs, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Of Sugar and Cliches by regala_electra, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Oh, Night, and Divine by imochan, NC17. One-shot, MWPP/Azkaban.

One Is For You by phineasjones, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Only Dancing by blacknarcissus2, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Pack Issues by FairyTale, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.

Page 394 by Ananke, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Panic by donnaimmaculata, R. One-shot, post-Hogwarts?

Paper Wings by krislaughs, PG. Chaptered, incomplete, Azkaban/AU.

Parentheses by thedeadparrot, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

The Past Is Mine by cenori, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Patience by franticbabbles, R/NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

The Patronus Charm by krabapple, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Patterns We Repeat by Miss Suzanne, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Perpendicular by losselen, R. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Photographs by emerald_123, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Photographs Faded with Time by ariastar, PG-13. One-shot, Azkaban.

Picking Up the Pieces by setissma, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Portrait in Charcoal by casirafics, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Practice Material by the_dark_twin, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

prankstersguide by krislaughs, ignipes, lacylu42, and sheafrotherdon, PG-13. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.

Promised Eternity by setissma, NC17. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.

Promised Eternity (A Ring of Endless Light Remix) by musesfool, NC17. One-shot, AU/Hogwarts.

PS... by thistlerose, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.

A Puff of Breath by Nix Fixx, PG-13/R. One-shot, MWPP.

Punch Drunk by akussa, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Purity by Felis, NC17. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.

A Question of Privacy by gehayi, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Queer by switchknife*, R/NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Rainy Night by raina_at, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Rearranging by _lioness, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Redeeming Time by miraminx, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Regimental by mapletide, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Remus and Sirius Discover the Cinema by julianelupin, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

A River in Egypt by minnow_53, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Salvation in Seventeen Syllables by thunderemerald, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Sanctified Darkness by xellas, NC17. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.

Sanctuary by lunafille, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP to Hogwarts.

Sandy Beaches and Imaginary Cigarettes by cynicalpirate, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Sawdust Restaurants by pas_ici, PG. One-shot, MWPP/AU/Hogwarts.

Scary Monsters...And Super Creeps by julianelupin, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Scenes from Another Life by childofatlantis, PG-13. One-shot, AU.

The Scent of a Mate by mysid, PG-13. One-shot, AU.

A Season of Change by BaiLing, PG-13. Chaptered, incomplete, post-Hogwarts.

Set on Fire by rochefort, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Seven Things That Never Happened at Hogwarts on Valentine's Day, Or Maybe They Did by lupercali, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Seventh Year by franticbabbles, R. One-shot, MWPP.

shoebox_project by ladyjaida and dorkorific, PG-13? Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.

Silver Bells by raelala, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Sing My Heart by anniesj, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Sirius Has a Girlfriend by riko, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Six Parallel Lives by dea_liberty, PG-13. One-shot, AU.

Sixth Year by franticbabbles, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Slackened Ties by anniesj, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

A Sleep Like Unto Death by Kick Flaw, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP to Hogwarts.

A Slip of the Tongue by musesfool, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Smoke by casirafics, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Snapshots of the Moon by ariastar, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

So Eden Sank to Grief by he_dreams_awake, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

So You Want to Transfigure Yourself a Rock Band by mousapelli, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Something Borrowed by musesfool, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP to Hogwarts.

Sonnet 17 by thieving_gypsy, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Special Needs by loneraven, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Speechless by mapletide, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

A Splendid Shedding of Skins by Evangeline Henri, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Start Me Up by miraminx, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Stealing Harry by copperbadge, R. Chaptered, complete, AU.

Sticky by krabapple, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Stillness by franticbabbles, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Stormy Evening by raina_at, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Stunned by ClayZebra, PG-13. Chaptered, incomplete, AU.

Sunny Afternoon by raina_at, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Survivor's Guilt by skjaere, R. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.

Sweet Delight by thescarletwoman, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Tapestry by boho_life, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

A Taxing Proposition by eumenides1, PG-13. One-shot, post-Hogwarts?

Teacher's Pet by cobalt_violet, R. Chaptered, incomplete, AU.

Terms of Endearment by glitterdemon, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

that the science of cartography is limited by dorkorific, R/NC17? One-shot, Hogwarts/MWPP.

Thing by Cimorene and Wax Jism, no rating given. Chaptered, complete, MWPP/Hogwarts.

Things Unspoken by violet_quill, PG? One-shot, Hogwarts.

Third Year by franticbabbles, R. One-shot, MWPP.

This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours by hackthis, PG? One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts/AU.

This Moment by mapletide, NC17. Chaptered, incomplete, AU.

This One by franticbabbles, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

The Thought of Leaving You by Glimmer Girl, R. One-shot, MWPP.

A Thousand Doors by kestrelsan, G/PG? One-shot, MWPP.

Three of Two by thunderemerald, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Three Weeks Outside Time by thistlerose, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Through a Glass, Darkly by eumenides1, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Till All My Skin Was Gone (The Homes That I Have Loved Remix by mousapelli, R. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.

The Times of Our Meeting by blacksatinrose, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Traditions of a Not So Ambiguous Wizard by Jack Ichijouji, PG. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.

The Trick to Reciting Sonnets by EffectivelyAbsent, PG? One-shot, MWPP.

Two Wizards, One Gift, and a Duck-Billed Platypus by sheafrotherdon*, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Ultimatum by marauderthesn*, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Undone by librae, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

The Unknown Want by Honeychurch and Lallybroch, PG-13? Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.

Until It Pardon Me by maeglinyedi*, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Untitled, about beds by copperbadge, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Up at the Lake by narie, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.

Vicissitudo by musical_emjay, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Wax Japan by Penelope Z, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP to Hogwarts.

Waiting for Ganymede by canis_m, R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Waking the Dead by fleshdress, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

Waltz for the Moon by nara_cat, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.

Wandering Aimlessly by hazyfairytale, R. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP to post-Hogwarts.

Wandering, Gets You Down by hiddendaze, PG-13. One-shot, AU.

We Three, Kings by comtesse_sin, NC17. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.

What Does a Dog Dream When He Dreams? by memorycharm, NC17. One-shot, Azkaban.

What Is Best by vixenette, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

What You Wanted by copperbadge, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.

When It Alteration Finds by musesfool, R. One-shot, AU/MWPP.

Who Wears the Trousers in this Family, Anyway? by mum-to-you, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.

Who Wrote the Book by canis_m, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Who Wrote the Book of Love? by yahtzee63, PG. One-shot, MWPP.

Whom He May Devour by Anne, NC17. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.

The Whomping Willow's Story by thieving_gypsy, G. One-shot, MWPP to Hogwarts.

With Dreams of Yesterday by lea_ndra, NC17. Hogwarts/MWPP.

With Purchase by anniesj, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.

The Worst Possible Choice by Orithain and Rina*, NC17. One-shot, AU.

Written by Hand by setissma, R. One-shot, MWPP to post-Hogwarts.

You Showed Me by musesfool, R. One-shot, MWPP.

Z is for Zelophilia by rosesanguina, NC17. One-shot, AU?

Other reclists
So, PoA Finally Convinced You That SB/RL Is Canon! Here's The Fic You Must Read! compiled by musesfool.
Remus/Sirius Favorites by semielliptical.
MWPP recs by lisew.
Canicula's recs by canicula12.
Jacinthsong's recs by jacinthsong.
Glitterdemon's recs by glitterdemon.
Irish_Lily's Excellent Puppylovin' Fiction Recs List of Excellence by irish_lily.
Marauders Slash recs by dawn_afterglow.
R/NC17 RL/SB Reclist compiled by ivan_designer

The Case for R/S: Version 2.0 by elwing_alcyone
Nine Arguments That Do Not Rule Out R/S by blacksatinrose
Strange and Beautiful by blacksatinrose for ship_manifesto
Why Sirius would love Remus 'more' by saeva. (Interestingly, sparked by a question by me.)
Myths of the HMS Wolfstar by marauderthesn
Untitled by blacksatinrose.

R/S websites, challenges, and LJ communities
Azkaban's Lair
The Howl Kingdom
SBRL Yahoo!Group
Mischief Managed
HMS Wolfstar website
HMS Wolfstar Yahoo!Group
Wolf and Hound
SBxRL (fanart)
Sirius/Remus forum
Moonstar: The Remus/Sirius FQF
The "Bring Back Black" Remus/Sirius FQF
Veil of Possibilities

Go ahead and start reccing things to me if you like. There's a few more that I have yet to locate and link on this list, but I'll do that later. Just please, if you're going to rec me something, provide a link so I don't have to hunt it down myself.Also, I am now accepting recommendations for websites, essays, etc. The only requirement I have is that an essay must be completely about Remus/Sirius (not just MWPP in general), and the reclists and websites, etc, must be mostly, if not completely, about Remus/Sirius, either just a general site, a fanfiction archive, an art site, whatever. No personal websites unless the only--or a vast majority, at least--stuff there is R/S. No fanlistings unless there's a point to it other than just listing names of R/S fans. Questions? Just ask!
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