You all Love..
The 80's Created by
pinkstar23 and taken 352 times on
bzoink!Do you remember?Duck Tales?YepAre you afraid of the dark?NopeRainbow Brite?NopeCare Bears?YepCyndi Lauper?NoPat Benatar?NoLeg warmers?NoJelly bracelets & shoes?NoCharles in Charge?NoALF?YepAmerican Gladiators?YepSmurfs?Hell Ya..Pee-Wee's Playhouse?NoAlvin and the Chipmunks?YepSaved By The Bell?YepThe Wonder Years?Yep ( Loved this show.. for some reason.. )Princess Bride?NopeDirty Dancing?YepGoonies?NopeMen At Work?NopeDepeche Mode?NopeCulture Club?Nopesaying "Cool Beans"?NopeNew Kids on the Block?I remember thinking they were stupid..StarSearch?NopeBreakfast Club?NopeDouble Dare?YepFast Times At Ridgemont High?NopeThe Babysitters Club?I remember them in my Schoolastic Book Catalog..spandex pants?*shudder*trolls?I still have a few ;)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?YepFerris Bueller's Day Off?NopeCabagePatch kids?YepBARBIE AND THE ROCKERS!??NopePound Puppies?YepFraggle Rock?Oh YA Baby ! I still have the Soundtrack on Vinal somewhere..the side ponytail?Nopeglow worm?NopeEurekas castle?NopeStrawberry Shortcake?NopeDONT YOU JUST LOVE THE 80's???A few elements there of...
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