Hi... This is my first post at LJ, just registered 5 minutes ago ;p
Uh well... LJ is not very known here in my country (Indonesia), so please bear me if I'm a total newbie -_-
Now to the question...
"Anyone know where to find Saiyuki Reload scans??"
The books, seemingly, are not published in my country (shakes fist to random crowd) Dammit for not
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Comments 8
P.S: Guess what.. I'm going to be posting again... Appearently an imaginary Goku kept talking to me about it until I was sure with myself. So my stories are to continue.
Yos! ^^
Its me!
Being way too high for her own good!
My journal is filled with random things.
Fanfiction is there.. somewhere.
Get back from Bali soon!
Cepat balik! ^______^
Hello Attiqah! Now it's my turn being a total newbie. I don't understand LJ~~ Is this really the link to reply? Ooooh lemme explore it a bit more...
Anyway, would you mind if I explore your journal for fics? I love fanfics!!
But for some of the more stupid interesting posts, you gott friend me back, so that you can see all the friend-locked posts. ^^
Erm, and yeah, I sometimes write N/C, but not so much here though. ^^
Geez, I have to get used to LJ real soon. It still confuses me, really...
Thanks for helping me!
P.S: I read your fic about LiToutenTenpou, and it's totally cool! Kinda creeps me out, but still cool! Wait till I find a way to leave you my review properly... T.T
oh yeah, forget to introduce myself, my name is dinda, remember me? I sure hope so xD
well, I have added you as my friend, friended me back please~
thank youu
Sorry for the super late reply.. T.T
Thank you for adding me as your friend!
Hmm.. now how to add friend back...
I'm still quite unfamiliar with these stuff.. T.T
Btw just found out you reviewed my fics.
Hontou ni sankyuu! You're one of my best readers!!
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