Title: Tattered Heart
ryoma_nakamadaPairing: AriOkamoto
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG!
Summary: They linger in each other's presence, but when will they learn that material things won't last forever?
Author's Notes: I wrote this last year and just discovered this in my cousin's laptop again. LOL. Cliffy- :P
Daiki's Bedroom; Present Day
Keito slowly opened his eyes, blinking the sleep away, and rolled over to his left to find the gaze of a pair of brown eyes intently locked on him. He smiled a bit then yawned. Daiki beamed at the sight of Keito waking up beside him.
"Good morning, love..." Daiki whispered.
"Morning..." came Keito's murmured reply. "What time is it?"
"It's six."
"What?! And you didn't wake me up?" Keito suddenly stripped the sheets covering him and jumped out of the bed in a hurry that he nearly tripped.
"Why hurry?"
"I need to go home. My mum's gonna be looking for me." He picked up his clothes that lay scattered on the floor and put them on swiftly that he wore his shirt wrongside on.
Daiki chuckled and stood up. "Here, let me help you with that."
"Oh, thanks." Keito smiled. "I'd better go now."
Daiki instinctively reached for his wallet on top of his bedside table. He took a considerable amount of cash and gave it to Keito. The younger boy smiled and pocketed the compensation for a night of sensuality.
"I'll call you soon."
"Sure." Keito winked.