Title: When Push Comes to Shove (A Few Changes)
ryouseiteki Rating: PG-13
Word count: Approx 2k
Characters/Pairing: Castiel, Dean, Bobby, Sam, angels: randoms, Zaraquiel, Drael (one-sided Castiel/Dean)
Warnings/Spoilers: N/A this chapter
Summary/Prompt: Castiel sets up shop in Heaven's main citadel, and the Hunters worry about the mass
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Comments 7
love how all is a bit uncertain in that verse, and bepolar Godstiel is just squeee. i think scene in trone room was what got me really sold so. that ~hit me~ at the end was pure gold.
hope u will continue, cause fandom needs few more slightly insane god!Cas. Did I say slightly? oops, lets say bat shit insane ;))
I wish more people would have run with the Godstiel thing, but I guess it was too short of a period in the show for it to catch on. Pity.
I'm working on it. ;)
I'm glad the update brought you such joy. :)
It was more of like, what Dean would say; like, saying 'shoot' when you want someone to tell ask their question of you.
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