Entry # 4

May 05, 2005 13:34

((OOC: I took some time off to learn some Japanese words-accidentally. I was testing our new printer earlier and was printing one of Ryo’s entries when my cousin, who I forgot was studying Japanese, saw it. She corrected the entry and warned me about referring to myself, or rather, my character, as ‘Ryo-kun’, because, I found out, that using that honorific to refer to yourself is considered very rude in Japan. This rule is also applicable to other honorifics such as ‘-chan’, ‘-sensei’, ‘-san’, ‘-sempai’, ‘-niisan’, ‘-neesan’ and others. She referred me to this site that provides translations for Japanese anime, and I learned my lesson there. And, BTW, it just so happened that the site also offers the English translation of the first ten chapters of the BR novel! I was just plain stupid not to notice that it had been posted on battleroyalefilm.net ages ago. Anyway, if you would notice, I edited my signature to simply ‘Ryo’. If you want, you can refer to Ryo as Ryo-kun. I just thought you all ought to know. ^_^))

It’s final. The class trip would be tomorrow. Must finalise the things that I would bring tomorrow, as I would, as usual, be fucking late, as this stupid alarm clock would not work-or is it just me refusing to be bothered by the alarm’s fucking noise? Anyway, Ms. Ren made us work on some ancient Japanese literary pieces that I didn’t even know existed. The strange thing is, she’s very lenient today-and she’s forever smiling at us, which is odd as fuck, I’m telling you-Ms. Ren smiling at me? Something’s up, I’m fucking sure about that.

There was a small squabble at the school corridors earlier between Asuka and the Italian girl, Bella. I was seriously considering sticking my nose in, but when I saw Barbie’s high-heeled shoe flying towards Bella, I heeded Kanaye’s suggestion and headed to the classroom instead. Ayumi told me ages ago that Asuka’s high heels are dangerous, and besides I don’t want a fucking shoe heel sticking from my eyes, thanks. I have yet to ask what’s the fucking reason behind that fight.

I dropped by Eiji’s house to deliver his tracksuit, which had been stuck with me for a week. Thankfully Sakura wasn’t there, so I’m temporarily safe from her disastrous pan slamming. I did some serving at the restaurant, since I’m too tired to cook or to tend to several tasks. There was a customer who was a fucker from his looks, and proved himself to be one by trying to have one of the waitresses sit on his lap. But heck, by the looks of it, my parents doesn’t seem to mind-after all, the restaurant’s open to the public, and the two seem to like it.

I’m planning to watch a movie and eat my fucking heart out later. I’m thinking of an action flick, more or less like one of those Korean action movies that Satomi had been suggesting. It’s more of a fucking opinion I know, since she herself visited Korea many times, so I couldn’t blame her if she ever did become a fan.

So-if any member of the gang reads this, I was thinking if we could all sit near each other-it’s fun, and besides Ms. Ren wouldn’t mind-I heard she wasn’t going to ride with us, the fucker. And no, I’m not planning to annoy Barbie- I’ll leave it up to Nao and Shizu. I’ll just eat along-Eiji, I’m sitting beside you, are you ok with that?

I’ll see you lot on the bus tomorrow then.

((OOC2: This will be considered as Ryo’s last ‘formal’ journal entry, since he leaves his laptop behind when he went to the class trip, and even though he can use Eiji’s laptop (hehe), it’s obvious that he cannot update while in the middle of the program-and whoever heard of internet access on a deserted island? But I dunno how Mimura and the others did it. However, if I feel like it, I’ll be posting a journal entry as Ryo, just for fun, lol.))
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