Author name: RubyStandish LJ username: rubystandish E-mail address: Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? Gen If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: None
Author name: Rusalki99 LJ username:ru-salki99 E-mail address: Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? slash If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: ryan/esposito... there may or may not be a bit of Castle/Beckett in the background.
Author name: cdewilde LJ username: cdewilde E-mail address: Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? Slash. If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: Ryan/Esposito. Castle and Beckett will be adorable and/or hilarious in the background.
Author name: sarcastictyrant LJ username: sarcastictyrant E-mail address: Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? slash If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: ryan/esposito maybe some castle/beckett in the background
Comments 4
LJ username: rubystandish
E-mail address:
Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? Gen
If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: None
LJ username:ru-salki99
E-mail address:
Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? slash
If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: ryan/esposito... there may or may not be a bit of Castle/Beckett in the background.
LJ username: cdewilde
E-mail address:
Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? Slash.
If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: Ryan/Esposito. Castle and Beckett will be adorable and/or hilarious in the background.
LJ username: sarcastictyrant
E-mail address:
Are you planning on writing gen, het, or slash? slash
If you're planning on writing Het or Slash, please list the pairing: ryan/esposito maybe some castle/beckett in the background
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