"Yakusoku no Basho" is the Japanese ending theme for Final Fantasy XIII-2, and is sung by Fukui Mai. A fellow fan on NicoNico Douga noticed that the lyrics of this beautiful song fit the HopeXLightning couple extremely well - as if the song was made for them.
If you were here right now,
I wonder what I would say to you?
I would probably remain speechless,
Rest my cheek on your chest, and merely let the tears flow.
If we could embrace once more,
I would never let you go.
Strongly bound together-
That is my light of hope,
I’m sure.
Oh love, please take me
To that promised place.
Our connected feelings are eternal.
If I could call forth love
And hold it in these arms,
Then, without fear, I will be able to face any future.
Looking into your eyes, I’ll answer,
“I’ll be by your side.”
My heart spoke softly:
“I’m right here, and I love you.”
Even if we are separated, always,
I will send you my unwavering feelings.
I’m no longer afraid of anything.
No matter the darkness,
This light will repel it,
And someday, it will reach you,
I’m sure.
Oh love, please take me
To that promised place.
I will get there, for oaths are eternal.
If I could call forth love
And hold it in these arms,
Then, with a smile, I will be able to overcome any pain.
I will never lose this light again.
I will definitely reach that place.
Time heals all.
But instead of waiting for it,
I’ll start walking now.
The wind directs me to that place,
And there, tomorrow is surely waiting.
Oh love, please take me
To that promised place-
To that day when I’ll simply nod
And hold you…
Oh love, please take me
To that promised place.
Our connected feelings are eternal.
If I could call forth love
And hold it in these arms,
Then, without fear, I will be able to face any future.
Looking into your eyes, I’ll answer,
“I’ll be by your side.”
Hope: I will stop this tragedy from happening. I must protect a place that everyone (the FFXIII gang) can come home to.
Lightning: Hope has changed the / his past into hope. And now, he is willing to face an even crueler future.
Hope: Light-san, who disappeared after Orphan’s defeat, must be alive somewhere in the future.
Serah: It wasn’t a dream, right?
Hope: I know we will see her again.
Hope: I had a dream. While I was sleeping in the time capsule, I heard Light-san’s voice and she strongly assured me that my decision (to come to the future) was not a mistake.
Hope: We’ll fight this battle together. I will find a different way to travel to the future. What I want to protect is there (in the future).