Ryune's Tradepost for Bankai!

Feb 26, 2011 19:33

:: Main (Dragon Sound Database HQ for Online Card Games) ::

Welcome! :D

^If you join Bankai! please say Ryune referred you!^

This is a link to my Bankai! forum trading thread! :D

= Index (Pending, Stats, Log, Miscellaneous Keeps) = Cards Up For Trade = Decks Currently Collecting = Cards Keeping =
^ Tradepost Navigation ^

vvv Pending vvv

This section is where outgoing cards and items are moved into and descriptions of the activities in-progress are listed. ^u^

= Mastered headhittin, asterisk: thankyou11, orange01/09/18, 6 random regular cards [-]

= Left VS Right Round 8 (Ichigo)

= July 2011 - avatar

= July 2011 - cap reaction

= July 2011 - randomness

vvv To Do vvv

= apply for spirit card

= choose freebies from July 25 update

= organize doubles pile: move once-doubles to singles pile

vvv To Log vvv

fadetoblack, foreveryoung, kansha, sakurabito

vvv Group Missions Tracker vvv

These cards are just copies of those I have. :D

June 2011 Western Region Mission:

[max attacks yet to be delivered]


[attacks delivered]


vvv Trading vvv

- Cards Up For Trade -

vvv Collection vvv

This section includes decks I'm currently collecting first, random keeps, and items. ^u^

- Decks Currently Collecting - Cards Keeping -




[picture album & shelf]


^ Prejoin Event ^

^ Ichigo's 2011 Birthday Event ^

[contest ribbons]

x5 vvv
| April 2011 - avatar | April 2011 - cap reaction | May 2011 - cap reaction | June 2011 - randomness | June 2011 - cap reaction |

x3 vvv
| April 2011 - randomness | May 2011 - randomness | June 2011 - avatar |

x1 vvv
| May 2011 - avatar |

vvv Card Log vvv

Log Archive:

- Page 1 -

Most Recent Activities:

June 14 2011
= (938) Level Up to 5th Seat: dtechnolife16, captains03, episodes105, confrontamurderer17 (+4 worth 1 cards-total 923, +0 worth 2 cards-total 15)
= (940) puzzle series (1) transferstudent07, goodbye05, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 925, +0 worth 2 cards-total 15)
= (942) puzzle series (2) lifeislikeaboat13, comfort01, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 927, +0 worth 2 cards-total 15)
= puzzle series (3): one choice coupon
= (945) puzzle series (4): transferstudent23, hagurotonbo08, whitecoats15 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 930, +0 worth 2 cards-total 15)
= (948) puzzle series (5): diamonddust13, returnhome21, formal02, 50 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 932, +1 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (950) wheel (orihime): shatter15, shojos25 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 934, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (952) war: dayatthebeach25, library07, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 936, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (955) jackpot: library16, headhittin12, kazeshini02 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 939, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (957) guess my number: shunko19, houkiboshi1013 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 941, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (959) Left VS Right Round 5 (Byakuya): happypeople25, houkiboshi1005 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 943, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (961) says who: chubura23, chubura10, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 945, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (963) glossary: capturingflow24, letstakeawalk15, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 947, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (965) connections: capturingthrust25, opposites04 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 949, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (967) by any other name: betrayal23, episodes207 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 951, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)
= (968) Group Collect: -memoriesofnobody11, whitecoats03, chubura15 (+1 worth 1 cards-total 952, +0 worth 2 cards-total 16)

June 18 2011
= (999) Urahara Shop June 2011 Stock: 490kan for calendar200804/09, calendar200604, 2 choice coupons, 2 special coupons, 12 random cards of 2 packages [teamichigo20, bleachedsummer25, goodbye11, madness01, madsurfer17, haineko12, comfort09, velonica02, msyoruichi06, life17, bleachedsummer12, shunko02], 16 random cards of graduation discount [bitterreunion09, enemies04, letstakeawalk05, shunko13, enemies24, houkiboshi1016, capturingthrust20, memoriesofnobody22, tonighttonight18, grouppicture16, bloopers104, shatteredresolve05, msyoruichi08, grenades19, coldair10, tonighttonight08] (+28 worth 1 cards-total 980, +3 worth 2 cards-total 19)

June 21 2011
= (1009) Site Update: echoes24/25, aoitori24/25, readyforafight24/25, nurse24/25, orange06, bloopers119 (+10 worth 1 cards-total 990, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1012) staff pay: houkiboshi1024, respect21, bloopers111, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 993, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= weekly squad salary: 100kan
= (1015) wheel (rukia): readyforafight04, saygoodbye15, diamonddust02 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 996, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1017) wheel (ichigo): tigreestoque24, shatteredresolve11 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 998, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1019) war: tigreestoque03, phonecalls20, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1000, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1022) jackpot: cosplay109, captains17, innocence09 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1003, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1025) jackpot: change08, returnhome08, tres01 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1006, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1027) guess my number: kick19, episodes210 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1008, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1029) guess my number: innerhollow22, goodbye18 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1010, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1031) who am i: executionceremony05, enemies06, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1012, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1033) trivia: princess04, lifeislikeaboat06, 50 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1014, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1036) random music: capturingflow13, bloopers105, shunko24 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1017, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1038) puzzle: library17, hisagomaru19 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1019, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1040) lost and found: beatcollection14, vampires19 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1021, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1042) brain teaser: springnap23, sixthdivision21 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1023, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)

June 24 2011
= Zanpaktou Card

June 26 2011
= (1044) voted: episodes303, frisbees08, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1025, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)

June 28 2011
= Weekly Squad Salary: 100kan
= (1047) staff pay: chibified10, wabisuke16, tres04, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1028, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= wheel (uryuu): 2 choice coupons
= (1050) jackpot: orihimesdebut13, shunko18, shojos23 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1031, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1052) guess my number: princess13, tigreestoque13 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1033, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1054) says who: lifeislikeaboat13, beatcollection16, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1035, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1056) glossary: readyforafight09, rukiasescort12, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1037, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1058) connections: sakuratrees15, grenades24 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1039, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1060) by any other name: episodes219, hagurotonbo24 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1041, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1062) Left VS Right Round 6 (Rukia): winter25, diamonddust21 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1043, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)
= (1070) Site Update: sakura24/25, hozukimaru24/25, lastmoment24/25, ichirinnohana24/25 (+8 worth 1 cards-total 1051, +0 worth 2 cards-total 19)

June 30 2011
= (1071) Trade with Andrea: life03, saygoodbye15, formal02 for diamonddust05/18, orange07, transferstudent17 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1053, -1 worth 2 cards-total 18)

July 2 2011
= (1072) Trade with Roax: atyourservice02, bitterreunion09, collision25, hozukimaru24, ruriirokujaku21, sakura24 for sakurabiyori20, shirayuki01, shirayuki14, bleachedsummer04, bleachedsummer19, memoriesofnobody19, plushies20 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1055, -1 worth 2 cards-total 17)

July 6 2011
= (1092) June 2011 Western Region Mission: enemies05, lecture08, episodes124, suzumebachi16, hanabi14, haineko23, starter18, animarossa22, velonica18, haineko11, ranbunomelody20, ichigotheshinigami13, confrontamurderer17, orihimesdebut10, kazeshini01, imnotafraid21, peepshow08, calendar200608, calendar200608, locations07, x5 regular coupons, x1 special coupon, 200kan (+16 worth 1 cards-total 1071, +4 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= June 2011 - avatar: 3rd, regular coupon, 200kan
= June 2011 - cap reaction: 2nd, regular coupon, 300kan
= June 2011 - randomness: 2nd, regular coupon, 300kan
= (1100) Site Update: takingabreak24/25, animarossa24/25, sodenoshirayuki24/25, imnotafraid24/25 (+8 worth 1 cards-total 1079, +0 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= Weekly Squad Salary: 100kan
= (1103) staff pay: asterisk25, coldair10, strawberry19, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1082, +0 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= (1105) puzzle series (1) change25, letstakeawalk07, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1084, +0 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= (1107) puzzle series (2) catandmouse18, kick22, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1086, +0 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= puzzle series (3): one choice coupon
= (1110) puzzle series (4): songfor15, tonighttonight15, movin09 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1089, +0 worth 2 cards-total 21)
= (1113) puzzle series (5): eatit20, goodbye06, byakuyasjoke13, 50 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1091, +1 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1116) wheel (rukia): orihimesdebut23, episodes118, foolishfriends01 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1094, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1118) war: tigreestoque08, happypeople19, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1096, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1121) jackpot: catandmouse18, kick13, innerhollow12 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1099, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1123) guess my number: confrontamurderer13, goodbye09 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1101, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1125) who am i: plushies16, diamonddust22, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1103, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1127) trivia: innocence25, enemies25, 50 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1105, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1130) random music: readyforafight07, life24, cuatro07 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1108, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1132) puzzle: kick07, artificial01 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1110, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1134) brain teaser: shatter23, executionceremony01 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1112, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)

July 11 2011
= (1138) July 2011 Group Collect: -konsnewbody20/25, shunko15, foolishfriends16, afterdark23, deathandstrawberry21, lieutenants25, sodenoshirayuki06 (+4 worth 1 cards-total 1116, +0 worth 2 cards-total 22)
= (1180) July 2011 Urahara's Shop Purchase: 610 kan for staybeautiful25, beatcollection08, shatteredresolve17, konsnewbody22, atyourservice14, calendar200814, shounen14, 12 regular cards from 2 packages [executionceremony03, coldair04, library08, mypace13, grenades04, chibified23, asterisk01, madness15, confrontamurderer04, deathandstrawberry15, rollingstar05, beatcollection21], 2 regular coupons, 2 special coupons, 20 graduation regular cards [tonighttonight23, ichirinnohana15, letstakeawalk08, life07, karate12, cosplay209, transferstudent10, blue13, bitterreunion05, beatcollection21, barbecue19, hozukimaru04, kazeshini19, coldair07, redblooded17, velonica08, ichigotheshinigami15, springnap19/21, eatit11], 3 big spender special cards [laughter02, peepshow02, formal01] (+36 worth 1 cards-total 1152, +6 worth 2 cards-total 28)

July 12 2011
= (1187) Site Update: partnerincrime02, cero12/24, deathmatch24/25, babyitsyou24/25 (+6 worth 1 cards-total 1158, +1 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= Weekly Squad Salary: 100kan
= (1190) staff pay: saygoodbye14, restoredpowers25, capturingthrust23, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1161, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1193) wheel (rukia): aoitori02, happypeople22, grouppicture06 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1164, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1196) jackpot: vampires16, artificial07, redblooded01 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1167, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1198) guess my number: bloopers109, cosplay221 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1169, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1202) July 2011 Group Collect: -konsnewbody02/23, hisagomaru10, afterdark21, tomboy09, plushies20, babyitsyou25, rivals01 (+4 worth 1 cards-total 1173, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)

July 20 2011
= Weekly Squad Pay: 100kan
= (1205) staff pay: animarossa02, redblooded12, staybeautiful23, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1176, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1207) wheel (orihime): enemies12, executionceremony10 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1178, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1209) war: comfort15, episodes225, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1180, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1212) jackpot: takingabreak25, eatit06, bitterreunion21 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1183, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1214) guess my number: figurines23, tonighttonight21 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1185, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1216) ichigo's birth (round 1): barbecue25, ichigotheshinigami21, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1187, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1219) ichigo's birth (round 2): episodes223, konsnewbody17, chubura04, 20 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1190, +0 worth 2 cards-total 29)
= (1223) ichigo's birth (round 3): teamichigo09, gigai03, vampires25, partnerincrime04, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1193, +1 worth 2 cards-total 30)
= (1228) ichigo's birth (round 4): echoes03, deathmatch06, msyoruichi11, peepshow01, 30 kan, 1 choice regular that doesn't count towards limit [sakurabiyori25] (+4 worth 1 cards-total 1197, +1 worth 2 cards-total 31)
= (1233) ichigo's birth (round 5): kubikiriorochi09, hisagomaru18, suzumebachi07, byakuyasjoke15, 30 kan, Ichigo_standing2 sprite, 1 choice special that doesn't count towards limit [peepshow03] (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1200, +2 worth 2 cards-total 33)

July 26 2011
= Weekly Squad Salary: 100kan
= (1236) staff pay: innerhollow25, catandmouse23, rivals23, 30 kan (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1203, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1238) voted: subway14, winter09, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1205, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1240) wheel (ichigo): vampires01, sodenoshirayuki25 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1207, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1242) war: executionceremony22, imnotafraid24, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1209, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1245) jackpot: eatit13, thankyou01, kazeshini13 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1212, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1247) guess my number: innocence02, goodbye25 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1214, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1249) warped: capturingthrust17, vampires17 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1216, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1251) says who: readyforafight04, bleachedsummer25, 10 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1218, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1255) Left VS Right Round 7 (Toshirou): velonica13, capturingthrust06, cuatro18, shunko10 (+4 worth 1 cards-total 1222, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1257) glossary: frozen08, plushies11, 20 kan (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1224, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1259) episode guess: deathandstrawberry22, respect13 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1226, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1261) connections: tobiume03, degigante15 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1228, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1263) by any other name: catandmouse15, respect11 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 1230, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1266) ichigo's house: festivalofmemories12, dtechnolife15, teamichigo21 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1233, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1269) uryu's house: kansha09, erotic12, kubikiriorochi04 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1236, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1272) orihime's house: barbecue22, staybeautiful02, kick10 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1239, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1275) chad's house: kansha16, degigante10, soifonsmemories02 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1242, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1278) urahara's shop: echoes11, sixthdivision19, staybeautiful20 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 1245, +0 worth 2 cards-total 33)
= (1285) world of the living (complete): shatter07, bitterreunion18, episodes120, redblooded08, dayatthebeach12, calendar200812, shoujo01, learnmyname skill (+5 worth 1 cards-total 1250, +2 worth 2 cards-total 35)
= (1286) July 2011 Group Collect Completed Before Deadline: 1 choice special that doesn't count towards limit [peepshow04] (+0 worth 1 cards-total 1250, +1 worth 2 cards-total 36)
= (1287) Coupon Exchange: 1 regular choice coupon for lifeislikeaboat23 (+1 worth 1 cards-total 1251, +0 worth 2 cards-total 36)

vvv Trade Log vvv

[ This link leads to my completed stamp cards! :D ]

[Stamp Card 13 - Ready To Turn In]

June 8 2011
= (2) Trade with Nejana: shunko03/21 for sakurabiyori03, orange17

June 16 2011
= (10) Trade with Andrea: episodes102/05/20/21, ranbunomelody24/25, sakurabiyori06/12, saygoodbye24/25 for barbecue05/09, frisbees03/09, konsnewbody02/06, movin11, plushies07, sakuratrees14, springnap21

June 24 2011
= (1) Trade with Becca: sixthdivision25 for sakurabiyori10

June 30 2011
= (4) Trade with Andrea: life03, saygoodbye15, formal02 for diamonddust05/18, orange07, transferstudent17

July 2 2011
= (7) Trade with Roax: atyourservice02, bitterreunion09, collision25, hozukimaru24, ruriirokujaku21, sakura24 for sakurabiyori20, shirayuki01, shirayuki14, bleachedsummer04, bleachedsummer19, memoriesofnobody19, plushies20

[Stamp Card 14]

July 2 2011
= (11) Trade with Saku: goodbye05, goodbye18, cuatro01, tres04, tres07, tres11, cuatro03, cuatro08, cuatro13, cuatro21, beatcollection20 for sakurabiyori05/14/20, shirayuki18, dayatthebeach08/15/17, bleachedsummer06/16/19, memoriesofnobody14

July 7 2011
= (3) Trade with Samichan: goodbye11, haineko12/19 for sakurabiyori17,orange03,shirayuki23

vvv Stats vvv

Total Cards: 1307
Member Cards: 20
Total Trading Cards: 1287
Worth 1 Cards: 1251
Worth 2 Cards: 36
Card Worth: 1323
Completed Trades: 326
Kan: 9240
Weekly Reminders (First Day of the Week - Sunday): Staff Pay, 100kan Squad Salary

[ This link leads to my mastered decks! :D ]

previous badges

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