TITLE : alien pairing : mariusXsou, slight kentofuma? rating : i don't know A/N : i was post it but then when i tried to edit the entry, i without prupose delete it... so... i start to post it again... ._.
wait....WHAT IS THIS?!??!!? WHY THE ENDING BECOME LIKE THIS!? XDDD at first i thought this was comedy...but why suddenly sou kill marius? XDDD /is laughing very hard now =)) =))
*silence* fuma : wait...i think i know that red fluid is... shori : ..that just ketchup, right? sou : eh? you all know? *giggle* marius : our acting have been discovered, sou XDD nakaken : geez you kiddd, you made us very frightened!! now clean those all!!
heeee ada orang indonesia xDDDD haloo xDDD biasa marius belon minum obaat *digigit marius iya aku salah nulis kukira namanya shori itu shiori -____- oh iyaya? fuma berarti ga bakat jadi comedian dong ya. *digeplak fuma makasih udah bacaaa xDDDD
eh? kenapa? uang jajan marius selama setahun udah dibeliin pulsa buat sms'an sama fujigaya-kun ya? *ditendang marius* oh, shori-kun. kamu kapan syukuran, sayang? kok udah ganti nama ya? *ikut nendang michi* wajah fuma nyeremin gitu ==" *inget wajah dia waktu d PV Lady Diamond*
Comments 10
But I didn't thouht that would ended up like this!!
goshh this is so suck and weird ._. i just feel bullying marii-chan XDD
at first i thought this was comedy...but why suddenly sou kill marius? XDDD
/is laughing very hard now =)) =))
fuma : wait...i think i know that red fluid is...
shori : ..that just ketchup, right?
sou : eh? you all know? *giggle*
marius : our acting have been discovered, sou XDD
nakaken : geez you kiddd, you made us very frightened!! now clean those all!!
nakaken kayak emak-emak ajaa XDDDDD
*suddenly yamada appeare
yamada : anybody talking about strawberry??
me and you : ........
*ngusir yamada ke kamar saia* xD
ng0m0ng2, nama shori kox jd shiori ya?
Sumpah g nahan dger joke'a fuma yg garing abis XD
iya aku salah nulis kukira namanya shori itu shiori -____-
oh iyaya? fuma berarti ga bakat jadi comedian dong ya. *digeplak fuma
makasih udah bacaaa xDDDD
oh, shori-kun. kamu kapan syukuran, sayang? kok udah ganti nama ya? *ikut nendang michi*
wajah fuma nyeremin gitu ==" *inget wajah dia waktu d PV Lady Diamond*
sama - sama :D
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