Because I've been asked a few times why I quit Tumblr...

May 10, 2012 21:37

(so, interrupting exam revision and my travel log, which will be done, I swear)

The more I go on Tumblr, the more I get put off it and the people there. I remember  when a girl called me 'Tumblr personified' and I got really annoyed because Tumblr people are not the kind of people I particularly like.

Now, first off I'd like to assure this doesn't include anyone from LJ. Because youse is all cool. Sadly though, most Tumblr kids are not. True, there are many awesome things that wonderfully talented people make and post to share with everyone. Also true that I appreciate many of the things they do share. But honestly, do you not have anything better to do than screen shot videos and mess around with the colour settings? I love hyping up my obsessions as much as anyone, but scrolling down hundreds of random images and getting excited with randoms every week is taking it to the next level. You're scrolling down hundrends and hundreds of images of celebrities and cartoon characters, saying things like 'omg flawless' and 'wow, she/he is beautiful.' Stop it. You're just as awesome, dammit. And if you just saw the media for what is was, and realised that what you were doing with Tumblr was just another way for people to manipulate your mindset, life would be so much easier.

Then there's the hipsters. God forbid they admit to being hipsters though. How many times had someone posts a dramatic photo of themselves they've decided to make look vinatge,and then go 'oh wow, am i hipster now?' FFFFF-- Listen up, you pathetic idiots, my Uni is Hipster Wonderland, so I can spot you all a mile off now. And the biggest way to disguise the fact that you're a hipster is to make fun of them. Huff. Again, do you have nothing better to do than stand in front of the camera, taking obscure body/face shot of yourself and pretending to be all retro and cool? What makes me laugh is that when I look around at Uni, everyone is trying so hard to be different, they all end up looking the same when they're in the same place. Jokes on you, guys. Turns out you're not as unique as you thought you were...

But my biggest peeves, the ones that's made me finally snap, are the 'inspirational' blogs. I get it. I get that every now and then people need something to motivate them, or something to remind them that there are others going through the same thing. However, when there are whole blogs dedicated to 'words of wisdom' that everyone you follow decides to reblog because they can relate to too, it gets annoying as hell. You sit there reblogging all the places you'd like to go, all the people you'd like to meet, all the things you'd like to do. The irony? That you claim to want to get up and go places, yet you sit there in front a screen and complain about how mundane your life is.

Or else, shut it.
Don't tell the world about everything you'd LIKE to do. Because you can leave your computer, y'know? It's possible. Your butt ain't glued to the chair. Get up and go out, see REAL places, and speak to REAL people.

The worst thing is that I found myself being sucked into it all. It's not just my boots, skinny jeans and funky headscarves (which is what led the girl to link me to Tumblr aka Hipsters), but I was spending hours on Tumblr, scrolling through millions of picture and text posts. I was wasting precious, precious time. On what?

I was fine before I discovered Tumblr, now I'm worse off with it. I spend enough time Escaping as it is, with my books and films and other sites. I don't want nor need Tumblr. So that's it. My Tumblr Era is now over. And instead of simply limiting myself to a short while everyday, I'm saying farewell to Tumblr completely. I'll spend my time on better things, like remembering I have a family, and finishing off those new year resolutions. And I hope that others realise that they possess the potential to do more with their life too.

unrl: crazy fandom life, rl: exam periods are the worst, unrl: tumblr, *rant*

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