And I'm not joking either.
...when I walked by a display case that was holding two books titled "The Daring Book for Girls" and "The Dangerous Book for Boys" by Miriam Peskowitz. Haven't heard of them? Well,
here it is. Good ahead, click it. I'll wait. *whistles*
Did you look through the table of contents? You didn't? Well, here's a taste.
Rules of the Game: Basketball
Pressing Flowers
How to Whistle With Two Fingers
Knots and Stitches
Women Spies
Telling Ghost Stories
I couldn't resist! I bought the book for my best friend's 10 year old stepdaughter. It almost looks like a text book from the 1950's. On the first page, there is a list of essential gear like a Swiss Army knife, bandana, bungee cord, flashlight, compass, etc. If I have the time and money, I'm going to get a kit together for her, with the book for her Christmas present. AND, I am soooooooooo asking for this book for Christmas!!!