
Mar 03, 2009 07:06

господа и дамы,
что делать в аргентине неделю?  киньте в меня своими любимыми местами и ссылками.

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Comments 27

amgirl March 3 2009, 12:48:02 UTC
а вы в каких местах будете?


ryzh March 3 2009, 13:08:18 UTC
a my eshe ne znaem:) my vchera kupili bilety i v pyatnicu uletaem:) uzhasnaya neorganizovanost'!
hochetsya posmotret' kak mozhno bol'she udiviltel'nogo, a vremeni malo.

kakie-nibud' idei est'?:)


amgirl March 3 2009, 13:22:08 UTC
ну вы только в БА летите или еще куда-то внутри страны? по БА спроси у argentino


ryzh March 3 2009, 13:35:33 UTC
ya dumau chto my eshe poletim smotret' glaciers v patagonii. sobstvenno, poka chto tol'ko dve ostanovki splanirovny - BA i Glaciers. a chto eshe pomestit'sya poka ne znau. kazhetsya na Iguazu ya ne ochen' hochu. hotelos' by eshe posmotret' kakie nibud' potagonskie krasoty i chto-nibud' eshe...


lentochka March 3 2009, 15:24:08 UTC
кафе Тортони в БА - самое старое кафе в городе. Там отлично танцуют танго и вкусные коктейли. Позвонить за день до, заказать столик на представление.


ryzh March 3 2009, 16:59:02 UTC
lentochka March 3 2009, 17:01:12 UTC
оно, родимое.
they really have facinating tango show, but you have to make reservations ahead so they seat you down.


ryzh March 6 2009, 15:21:31 UTC
pasiba solnce, v knizhke 1000 Places to Visit Before You Die, Cafe Tortoni is listed as a must-see:)


another must see cafe murzik March 3 2009, 19:16:17 UTC
we absolutely loved hanging out and doing nothing for hours at la biela http://www.frommers.com/destinations/buenosaires/D52705.html, great people watching, right in the recoleta district, great cognac, crepes, little appetizers, olive plates, etc. also, if you have a chance, go to a ballet performance, at the very least to look at the theater, we enjoyed it. eat - meat - lots of meat. something like that http://www.frommers.com/destinations/buenosaires/D47990.html should be just fine, just be aware of the tourist traps right near the recoleta, some of them were truly aweful, like the ones right next to la biela ( ... )


Re: another must see cafe ryzh March 4 2009, 15:22:51 UTC
spasibo bol'shoe za ssylki. obyazatel'no posmotru:)
ice-cream is right up my alley!!!


Аргентина lesoto March 4 2009, 00:14:39 UTC
О, Аргентина, я там завтра буду (правда, всего на пару дней, потом Парагвай и снова Бразилия). Я тут уже несколько дней тусую с французиком из Парижа (dismissed financial industry worker, ha-ha), он уже пятый месяц путешествует по Южной Америке, Аргентина ему понравилась больше всего. Из общения с ним я понял одну совершенно нетривиальную вещь - мы понятия не имеем о самых красивых местах Латинской Америки, потому что никто из наших знакомых там не бывал и мы даже их названия не слышали. Все ездят по попсовым местам (в Аргентине это Буэнос Айрес и Патагония) и считают что все видели, а на самом деле не видели толком ничего. В частности, почти никто не бывает на севере Аргентины и Чили, а там (судя по рассказам back packers) красивее всего. Но у тебя время ограниченно ( ... )


Re: Аргентина ryzh March 4 2009, 15:31:41 UTC
dimochka, spasibo za idei ( ... )


Re: Аргентина lesoto March 5 2009, 12:34:07 UTC
I'm going to Paraguay tomorrow, for a day or two, and then I'm going back to Sao Paolo or Rio. Bolivia is out of questions for me - I'm traveling with an Israeli passport, and I don't think I can get a visa since Bolivian government hate us. Getting a Bolivian visa with American passport is very difficult - the nearest consulate or embassy is too far away from where I am now.
And frankly, I'm getting tired :( The law of diminishing returns kicks in - after a while пропадает острота ощущений. I have eleven days left but I'm considering going back earlier. Believe it or not, New York's cold and snow look very attractive to me right now :)


Re: Аргентина ryzh March 5 2009, 12:40:21 UTC
dimochka, when i traveled in bolivia, there were TONS of israelis who got their visas while traveling in SA. my info is from 2004 though. regardless, if you are feeling tired, the best thing to do is relax and chill:) travel is not about being stressed out:)

hehe, it's supposed to be low 70's this weekend in NY, but it was darn cold for the past few weeks.

how are you planning to spend the remainder of your time?

would love to hear your travel stories.


howabouty March 5 2009, 18:08:16 UTC
Inkin ( ... )


howabouty March 5 2009, 18:57:26 UTC
Also, the famous La Recoleta cemetery.
Slippery slope: not everyone is a big cemetery fan (including myself - I'd rather my remains be eaten by beasts of night somewhere in patagonia and forgotten for good:) But it's quite impressive indeed and worth taking a look. Basically a mini city built of wall to wall, elaborate, fancy-shmancy mausoleums none of which looks like its neighbour.


ryzh March 6 2009, 15:27:36 UTC
hey solnce, spasibo bol'shoe za recommendacii:)i'm actually staying in the Palermo area - a friend is landing his apartment:) many thanks for the neighborhood recommendations - this is exactly the kind of info i was looking for.

btw, since your LJ is so anonymous, i have no idea who you are:)


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